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Dr Jim Hamill

Dr Jim Hamill

With 35 years International Management experience, Jim is widely recognised as a leading expert on Digital Disruption and Digital Transformation with global experience across a broad range of industries. He has successfully delivered on a broad range of consultancy assignments around the World, with clients ranging from SMEs to multinational organisations such as the World Bank, United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations, International Atomic Energy Agency, Economist Intelligence Unit, International Labor Office, Russian Foundation for SME Development, Malta Tourism Authority, the European Union, Scottish Enterprise, Visit Scotland, National Trust, Glasgow City Council, First Group and many others. Jim has held Visiting Professorships or delivered Senior Executive Programmes in the US, Singapore, Hong-Kong, Malaysia, China, Norway, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, France, Iceland, Malta, Russia, Bahrain, the UAE and Oman. Author of several books and numerous papers, he is Owner and Director of Future Digital Leaders, creating business leaders ‘fit for purpose’ in an era characterised by turbulent digital change and Digital Darwinism.

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