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Grant Spence

Grant Spence

“Grant provides strategic independent consultancy on aspects associated with engineering net zero, energy systems and their end use applications based on over 30 years’ energy sector experience over a diverse range of projects, sectors and technical services.  His particular experience and expertise in the development and delivery of large, complex and novel low carbon energy and infrastructure projects was initially gained working as the Owner’s Engineer lead on first the Longannet CCS and Peterhead CCS projects.  Grant’s proven ability to apply a holistic whole system perspective and managed large groups of senior project stakeholders led to him being recruited to join Costain as Decarbonisation Programme Director for the South Wales Industrial Cluster (SWIC) Deployment programme in 2020.  Subsequently transitioning to work for the SWIC Deployment partners directly as Net Zero Energy Systems delivering an integration study for SWIC Deployment in 2023.  Part of a consortium which was successfully awarded funding under the UK government’s Local Industrial Decarbonisation Plan (LIDP) competition and includes Net Zero Industry Wales, SP Energy Networks, Wales & West Utilities and Bangor University, in 2024 Net Zero Energy Systems has been leading on delivery of the stakeholder engagement, technical integration and regional industrial decarbonisation plan aspects of the NEWID (North East Wales Industrial Decarbonisation) project culminating in the launch event for this new UK industrial cluster on 6th February 2025.”

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