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The Solent Cluster

The Solent Cluster

The Solent Cluster represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to affect real change in energy production and consumption, and make a significant contribution towards the UK's Net Zero ambitions.

It is the only project of its kind in the region and is backed by companies with the technical expertise and global track record of delivering cost effective low carbon solutions. This effort could position the Solent at the centre of low carbon fuel production in the UK and make a major contribution to the country’s Net Zero ambitions by 2050.

Founding members include the Solent LEP, The University of Southampton and ExxonMobil, with a membership now exceeding over 100 from a wide range of organisations. Anchored in Southampton, The Solent Cluster is based in one of the largest and most successful industrial areas in the UK, supporting around 90,000 businesses and a £50bn economy.

The project is developing technical solutions that could store up to 10 million tonnes of CO2 every year, delivering one of the largest potential contributions to net zero of any cluster. It aims to position the Solent at the centre of low carbon fuel production in the UK and make a major contribution to the region's economy.


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