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Please note: This event finished on 01 January 0001

With the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) deemed a vital sector for the UK, ensuring the future of the offshore industry has become an upmost priority.


“ The need for collaboration across the industry for the promotion of knowledge sharing, advancing innovation, reducing costs and maximising capabilities is also becoming of central importance to industry development ”

With the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) deemed a vital sector for the UK, ensuring the future of the offshore industry has become an upmost priority. Technology and data stand as the driving forces behind such industry development, with digital technology providing transformative solutions to current challenges. In the face of a rapidly evolving technological landscape, re-evaluating existing approaches, developing game changing digital solutions, and the role of data analysis to encouraging high levels of and increasing the quality of exploration efforts have been brought to the forefront of industry discussion. The need for collaboration across the industry for the promotion of knowledge sharing, advancing innovation, reducing costs and maximising capabilities is also becoming of central importance to industry development. The Future of the UKCS Digital Transformation Conference will address such challenges by uniting the upstream supply chain, in an effort to promote cross-industry collaboration, digital transformation and securing the future of the offshore industry in the UK.

Sessions One and Two

Policy Outlook and Future Planning

With revitalising exploration in the UK Continental Shelf now a key component of government strategy, this session will address policy initiatives and the future outlook for the UKCS. Focus will be placed upon government & industry strategies for supporting growth, identifying current barriers to investment, and encouraging cross-industry collaboration as key to the future success of UKCS.


  • 9:25 Chair David Rennie Head of Oil & Gas Scottish Enterprise Opening Address
  • 9:30 David Philips, Managing Director Equity Research , HSBC

    The Digital Oilfield - Opportunities & Challenges for ‎Offshore Oil & Gas Investment
  • 9:50 Paul de Leeuw, Director RGU Oil and Gas Institute
  • 10:10 Jean -Luc Guiziou -UK Managing Director, ‎Total
  • 10:30 Shahin Meah, Senor Director- Plantweb Solutions & Service, Europe, Emerson;

    Measurable Results from Digital Transformation: Design Reliability, Uptime and Low Risk into your Digital Transformation journeys
  • 10:50 Questions & Answers
  • 11:00 Refreshment Break

Big Data

This session will focus upon utilising a combination of advanced information technology and corporate process management to streamline operations, increase oilfield recovery and maximise profitability. Discussion will consider how to effectively process large quantities of data, creating actionable opportunities out of data, the latest digital solutions for improving performance, the impact of real-time operational data upon transforming the UKCS, and the influence of Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine-to- Machine (M2M) technology.


  • 11:45 Data and IOT the Future of Operations Panel Discussion

    • Garry Baker, Head of National Geoscience Data Centre, BGS

    • Daniel Bonter, Reservoir Manager, Hurricane Energy

    •Henk Kombrink- Senior Geologist, Energy, Lloyd’s Register

    •Ian Hunt, SVP EMEA, Tachyus
  • 12:30 Stein Fredriksen, CEO Intop
  • 12:50 Questions & Answers
  • 13:00 Lunch

Sessions Three and Four


The need to improve output and reduce costs is driving technological development across the sector. This session will consider using IT and data technologies to maximise the profitability of oil & gas production, reducing costs of advanced recovery technology, the role of automation and the potential for autonomous control of operations including rig and drilling automation, alongside possibilities for machine learning and artificial intelligence. Discussion will also consider well optimisation and stimulation, 3D/4D reservoir characterisation, as well as onshore machine monitoring.


  • 14:00 Barry Authers, Commercial Director, DNV GL
  • 14:20 Chris Usher, EVP &COO ION

    The presentation will highlight Marlin – the smarter management system for maritime operations.ION developed Marlin as a digital platform fusing all relevant data to enable offshore stakeholders to collaborate in real time, orchestrate their operations, reduce costs and improve safety performance
  • 14:40 Angus Murray, Head of IT, TAQA Europe
  • 15:00 Rob Smithies, Principal Engineer & Data Scientist, Atkins
  • 15:20 Q&A
  • 15:35 Break

Asset Management

As the digital evolution progresses further across the UKCS industry, disruptive technologies are also serving to influence fields such as asset management. This session will address existing digitally based approaches, using data to influence decision making, the impact of digitalisation on asset management, standardisation of processes, operational efficiency, workflow design including production optimisation & well test validation, and the possibilities for using central digital communications systems in the future. The benefits of such approaches for making operations more efficient, streamlined and profitable, alongside the potentials for cost savings will also be discussed.


  • 15:50 John Pearson, Chief Corporate Development Officer and Group Managing Director, Petrofac
  • 16:10 Martin Kelly, Head of Corporate Analysis, Wood Mackenzie
  • 16:30 Case Study Operator
  • 16:50 Questions and Answers
  • 17:00 End of Conference


All speakers are invited unless stated confirmed

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