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Please note: This event finished on 09 February 2023


“ Following several economic changes globally and Russia’s war on Ukraine it has never been more paramount that Europe diversify its energy matrix and ensure of home-grown energy resources and developments to ensure of energy security. The EU are currently unable to control their energy prices and the need for a diverse source of homegrown energy is essential for decarbonisation and energy security. ”

Following several economic changes globally and Russia’s war on Ukraine it has never been more paramount that Europe diversify its energy matrix and ensure of home-grown energy resources and developments to ensure of energy security. The EU are currently unable to control their energy prices and the need for a diverse source of homegrown energy is essential for decarbonisation and energy security.

The 2nd Europe CCUS & Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit will assess and review the opportunities within the EU Energy Sector and review the different hydrogen road maps set out by the European Commission and different European Countries how green hydrogen can ensure off energy security for each while hitting decarbonising matrixes. The conference will also review how CCU & CCS can decarbonise the energy intensive sectors that are hard to decarbonise while creating a circular carbon economy.

The 2nd Europe CCUS & Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit will focus on the implementation of CCS, CCUS within industrial operations and how hydrogen can decarbonise industry and transport, the summit will bring together 300+ government officials, regulators, key industry stake holders, leading academia and service companies.

Sessions One and Two

Session 1. Europe Energy & Net Zero Strategy

With energy prices and security at the forefront of every country’s mind at the moment, this session will review the EU long term energy strategy and developments to ensure their 2030 and 2050 target commitments are still on track.


  • 9:25 Chairs Opening Address: Ross Compton, EAME Consultant, ENERGEO Alliance
  • 9:30 Per-Olof Granström, EU Director, Carbon Capture & storage Association
  • 9:50 Sara Piskor , Director - Strategy, Policy and Communications ENTSOG -European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas

    "Building the energy system of the future together"

    Working towards REPowerEU goals and preparing for the CCUS strategy.
  • 10:10 Caterina De Matteis, Senior Policy Manager, IOGP Europe,

    "CCUS & H2: Low-carbon technologies to net zero"

    To reach climate neutrality while retaining industrial competitiveness, the EU needs to accelerate the commercial scale deployment of solutions such as Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS) and low-carbon hydrogen.
    Caterina De Matteis, IOGP Europe, will explore the specific role of these technologies and share recommendations for an enabling EU policy framework.
  • 10:30 Wim Van der Stricht , CTO, ArcelorMittal

    "Steel - Reshaping the circular economy"

    In the steel industry, carbon is used primarily as a chemical reactant to reduce iron oxide to metallic iron. This is an important distinction from the typical industrial use of carbon as a fuel. While alternative energy sources such as wind and solar can replace fossil fuels, they cannot replace carbon in steelmaking. Additionally the production of high volumes of green hydrogen at affordable prices seems a huge challenge the coming decades. Thus, alternative technologies need to be developed and implemented on the short term to use carbon in a climate neutral, circular manner. We present the ArcelorMittal pathway to carbon neutrality and the various innovative technologies employed to reach this target.
  • 10:50 Q&A
  • 11:00 Coffee & Networking Break

Session 2. Energy Transition & Demand

It is now pivotal the EU needs to accelerate energy transition and review energy prices and demand. Within this session we will explore the demand for cleaner energy to ensure Europe is on track to hit its next set of net zero targets. We will discuss the different energy vectors that are available and where they are best placed to ensure of decarbonisation. We will also review the ongoing energy demand and review the different options available for energy transition.


  • 11:45 Mike Wailes, Commercial Manager- Emerging Energy, Phillips 66

    “Humber Refinery: The Refinery of the Future”

    The Phillips 66 Humber Refinery is one Europe’s most complex refineries and is actively transitioning towards a lower carbon future. In addition to the refinery being Europe’s only producer of graphite coke (a precursor material for electric vehicle and consumer electronic batteries), the refinery is the UK’s only producer of at-scale Sustainable Aviation Fuels and Development Fuels (the UK advanced biofuels classification). Phillips 66 is working with the UK government and industrial collaborators on a number of world-scale industrial decarbonisation projects. These include Humber Zero, one of the UK’s leading carbon capture projects and Gigastack, a 100MW electrolytic hydrogen project for refueling industrial heaters.
  • 12:05 Matthias Mersch, Research Assistant, Imperial College London

    " Robust and efficient decarbonisation pathways for diverse energy systems"

    The need to decarbonise energy systems is widely recognised; however, this transition must not compromise energy security and it needs to be affordable. The solution to this challenge is not uniform across different regions but must be adapted to the specific energy systems. Differences in, e.g., demand profiles, resource availability, potential for renewables, the incumbent technology portfolios, or political preferences lead to variations in optimal energy system transitions. Additionally, uncertainties in resource prices, as seen in the turbulent natural gas markets recently, present significant challenges to clean energy decision making. This presentation will explore optimal transitions for different energy systems and scenarios, the role of uncertain resource and technology costs, and the value that CCS can provide to decarbonise different energy systems.
  • 12:25 Q&A
  • 12:30 Energy Transition & Demand Panel discussion

    Gocke Mete, Senior Manager of Global Hydrogen, South Pole

    Victor Bernabeu, Senior Policy Advisor, Eurogas

    James Earl, Director of Gas, Energy Networks Association

    Sandrine Devos, Secretary General, EuroFuel
  • 13:10 Lunch & Networking

Sessions Three and Four

Session 3. End User Implementation of CCS or CCUS

With CCS and CCUS playing an important role in reducing carbon emissions in the power sector, CCS is the only current option to substantially decarbonise emissions across the energy intensive industries. This session will discuss how these technologies can play a role at decarbonising these industries; you will hear from end users on how they plan to utilise and implement CCS/CCUS technologies to reduce their CO2 emissions.


  • 14:10 Chairs opening address: Ross Compton, EAME Consultant, ENERGEO Alliance
  • 14:15 Bruno Gerrits, Client Engagement Manager, Global CCS Institute

    "Status of CCS 2023"

    I will be sharing an overview of the current field of play, projects, country developments, trends, policies and next steps.
  • 14:35 Berte Simons, Director Business Unit CTOS , EBN

    "CCS Market outlook: Market development scenario’s from a Dutch perspective"
  • 14:55 Per Sandberg, Senior Advisor, Equinor

    “Developing geological CO2 storage for Europe in Norway: From Sleipner via Northern Lights to Large Scale Solution"
  • 15:15 Dr Mai Bui, Senior Research Associate, Imperial College London

    "The role of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies in sustainable energy transitions"

    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) will play an important role in meeting climate change mitigation targets, providing a least cost pathway to decarbonise different sectors. There are a variety of potential applications for CCS, these include delivering low carbon heat, power and fuels, decarbonising industry and CO2 removal from the atmospheric e.g., bioenergy with CCS and direct air capture. This presentation examines the current state-of-the-art technologies and provides insight on how to move the discipline forward. An overview of key opportunities and challenges that should be addressed over the course of the next decade will be provided, giving a balanced perspective on the scientific, policy and commercial priorities.
  • 15:35 Jannicke Gerner Bjerkås, Director CCS, Celsio AS

    "Reduce, reuse, recycle – and remove! Oslo makes a leap towards sustainable waste handling with CCS from waste incineration"

    World’s first full-scale CCS plant on Waste-to-Energy is under construction in Oslo, Norway, with estimated completion in 2026. With this CCS plant we will capture 90 % of the emissions from the incineration plant, and at the same time reduce City of Oslo’s total climate emissions by 17 %. As 50 % of the emissions from the waste incineration is biogenic, we will not only reduce fossil emissions but also remove CO2 from the atmosphere – going climate positive! I will share insights on the way from studies to full financing of the project, experiences so far with start of constructions and future plans for revenues and business.
  • 15:55 Q&A
  • 16:10 Coffee & Networking Break

Session 4. Investment Opportunities & Skilled Workforce

With RePowerEU, the creation of the European Hydrogen Bank and almost all members States committing to net-zero, via their hydrogen strategies, the H2 industry is now a reality; pushing simultaneously private investment, venture capital and banks towards the H2/CCS sector. Therefore, a strong and reliable supply chain will have to be built together with the re-skilling of the workforce. Furthermore, since major projects will now move forward faster than ever, we will review the challenges project leads will have to ensure that there will be skilled workforce and supply chain available.


  • 16:25 Marcela Betancur-Diaz, Energy Transition Development Manager, Opito

    "Roadmap to develop a flexible and mobile offshore energy workforce"

    The success of our future integrated energy industry and its four main sectors – which include hydrogen and CCUS – depends upon preparing and empowering the skilled, agile and adaptable workforce who’ll deliver a net zero future. The overall offshore energy workforce is set to grow significantly in the coming years with more than 211,000 jobs across the industry, so attracting and retaining people is vital.
    In response to the North Sea Transition Deal (NSTD), which highlighted the crucial steps required to manage a just transition, OPITO, on behalf of the UK oil and gas sector, developed the Integrated People and Skills Strategy (PSS). Supported by five action plans that translate high-level strategy into concrete time-bound actions, the PSS highlights the benefits of a just and managed energy transition for the workforce, the industry, governments and communities.

  • 16:45 Erik Nijveld, CEO, TechnologyCatalogue.com

    “Using data insights to find & select technologies to improve performance”

    TechnologyCatalogue.com supports companies with finding and selecting technologies to reduce CO2 emission, improve safety and reduce cost, based on data insights.
    Suppliers can use the platform to create visibility for their tech, 24/7.

  • 17:05 The need for private investment in the green industrial revolution panel discussion

    Bert van der Toorn, Senior Investment Officer, European Investment Bank

    Martin Casey, EMEA Director of Communications, Public Affairs & Social Impact, CEMEX Ventures

    Mukunda Kaushik, Senior Research Associate, Lux Research
  • 17:35 End of Day 1

Sessions One and Two

Session 1. End User Implementation of Hydrogen

Hydrogen has been labelled as the fuel of the future and will become the main energy carrier as we transition to net zero. This session will discuss how the different colours of hydrogen, so called hydrogen rainbow spectrum, and how it can help decarbonise the industrial, transport and aviation sector.


  • 9:25 Charis opening address: Felicia Mester, Head of EU Affairs, OCI
  • 9:30 Dr Yunji Xu, General Manager Hydrogen Industry, Shell


    To realise a sustainable hydrogen economy, actions are needed along the hydrogen value chain, from development and production to end-customer delivery. Yunji Xu, Shell’s General Manager, Hydrogen Industry will explore some of the essential factors for a robust hydrogen value chain including joint development of supply and demand, together with the enabling infrastructure.
  • 9:50 Eberhart Wusterhaus Gomez, Commercial Director - Europe, Carbon Clean
  • 10:10

    Minh K Le, VP, Head of Hydrogen Solution Clean Tech, Rystad Energy

    "Hydrogen market review and outlook for 2023"

    2022 was a year full of turmoil in the energy world, especially for Europe, but it seems to have given the boost for hydrogen on the back of energy security needs. Overall announced projects gave an additional 22 million tonnes of clean hydrogen to the projection to 2050. Multiple market and business incentives has been announced to help advance these projects pass announcement stage, yet details are still not finalised. In order for Europe to meet their target, 2023 will be a crucial year and advancement in project pipeline needs to happen. As demand for hydrogen and its derivatives start to become clearer, we will look for these to continue maturing in 2023.
  • 10:30 Glen Burridge, Executive Director, European Federation of Geologists

    "NATURAL HYDROGEN: A Hidden Opportunity?"

    There is a geological resource that could form a powerful asset in the fight for a green energy transition. It’s low carbon, potentially abundant in certain locations, we know how to produce it and can be done for a fraction of the price of alternative sources. We still need to assess the size-of-the-prize, adjust legislation and appeal to the risk appetite of courageous investors, but this is one of those rare occasions where a whole new industry may lie on the horizon.

    It is Natural Hydrogen.

    In this talk, we will learn about how it is generated, who is looking for it and where in Europe, how much it will cost, what needs to be done to address its uncertainties, learnt to make it a reality and who is backing it.
  • 10:50 Question & Answers
  • 11:50 Coffee & Networking Break
  • 11:50 Alan Nettleton, Lead Systems Engineer, Connected Places Catapult

    “How the UK is kick-starting the transition to zero-emission trucks”

    Connected Places Catapult is working alongside Government, industry and academia to help accelerate the transition to zero-emission road freight.

    The UK Government’s Zero Emission Road Freight Demonstrations programme will involve the roll out of battery electric and hydrogen-powered heavy goods vehicles and the supporting infrastructure. Find out more about the ambitions of the programme and Connected Places Catapult’s investigations into standards, safety, regulations and the investment strategy.
  • 12:10 Sebastian Denno, Technical Director - New Energy Markets, EUR - UK & Ireland. , Aecom

    Adelin Oles, H2 Mobility Lead Europe & India, Aecom

    "On-going deployment of H2 projects across Europe"

    Join the presentation to discover more about what is driving the hydrogen market forward? Adelin Oles will cover the current state of hydrogen mobility and forecast for its future growth. The speaker will highlight the cross-sectorial collaboration between industries such as energy, infrastructure and transportation that is necessary to make hydrogen a viable energy source. Additionally, Sebastian will provide a deep dive into a specific hydrogen production project, highlighting key insights and learnings from the project. The audience will gain an understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the hydrogen market and the role of collaboration in overcoming those challenges and realizing the potential of hydrogen as a clean energy source.
  • 12:30

    Fergus Tickell, System Transformation and Business Development Lead, SGN

    "Facilitating a Hydrogen Ecosystem in Scotland"

    I will set out the highly level policy context. Then I will focus on the range of projects SGN are undertaking across Scotland, including asset repurposing and the strategic development of new hydrogen networks, which will facilitate connection between hydrogen production, storage locations and multi-sector off-takers.
  • 12:40 Q&A
  • 13:00 Lunch & Networking Break

Session 2 Hydrogen Infrastructure Storage & Transportation

Within this session we will review the recent EU hydrogen infrastructure roadmap that connects the different European energy infrastructures across Europe, The session will review the different options and technologies that are available to manage and control low and peak demands of energy through the grid. Also with many ports across Europe now enabling energy transition, this session will review the opportunities for Europe to export or import ammonia or liquified hydrogen. and will asses what infrastructure is needed and what challenges need to be addressed.


  • 14:00 Charis opening address: Felicia Mester, Head of EU Affairs, OCI
  • 14:05 Corin Taylor, Principal Consultant, DNV-GL

    "Opportunities and challenges to upgrading gas networks to hydrogen"

    Gas transmission and distribution networks will be key to the success of a large-scale hydrogen economy, as they connect over 100 million customers in Europe. The presentation will describe the opportunities for gas networks to be upgraded to supply hydrogen, and some of the main challenges that lie ahead.
  • 14:05 Tobias Bühnen, Policy Advisor, Gas Infrastructure Europe

    "Regulatory framework for hydrogen storage and transport: What’s next?"

    2023 will be a decisive year for hydrogen: Many decisions at EU level will be taken that will shape the regulatory framework for hydrogen infrastructure. Appropriate solutions are therefore indispensable to facilitate the development of hydrogen infrastructure. The presentation will look at the current status and developments, the challenges that still need to be faced and what the key topics are to be addressed in the upcoming months and years.
  • 14:45 Gergely Molnar, Gas Analyst, International Energy Agency (IEA)

    "Hydrogen infrastructure developments in Northwest Europe"

    The large-scale deployment of low-emission hydrogen will need to be underpinned by an effective and cost-efficient system for transmission and storage, strategically designed to connect supply
    sources to demand centres. Based on the current targets set by Northwest European countries, the region’s hydrogen network could increase by almost eight-fold to over 12 000 km by 2030. According to first estimates, close to two-thirds of the hydrogen pipelines operational by 2030 would be repurposed natural gas pipelines –providing a second life to the existing gas infrastructure.
    Similarly to well-designed pipeline network, underground storage will be crucial to reach the full potential of hydrogen as an energy carrier and respond to the flexibility requirements of a more complex energy system. While hydrogen storage in salt caverns is a proven technology, the experience in storing hydrogen in porous reservoirs such as depleted fields or aquifers is limited.

  • 15:45 Stuart Turl, Business Development Director – Energy Transition EMEA

    Meeting European Demand for Hydrogen through transportation infrastructure

    Summary: Presenting on the Scot2Ger project, examining the German demand for zero-emission hydrogen and how it might be met by Scottish producers of green hydrogen with findings highlighting faster growth in company demand than initially expected.

  • 15:05 Ainee Shah, Energy Consultant, EIC

    "Hydrogen liquefaction market overview"

    According to EICDataStream, there are over 150 green hydrogen projects with a combined electrolyser capacity of 3405GW in planning or under development in Europe, for start-up by 2030. Much of hydrogen produced will be used to decarbonise transport, industry and heating in the region. However, where hydrogen or renewable capacity is still emerging or not planned for, transport of hydrogen from producing markets will be key. Europe’s liquefaction market is nascent but will be required as an increasing number of countries express hydrogen ambitions and renewable capacity grows over the next decade. This presentation will use data collated from the EIC’s proprietary database, EICDataStream, to show trends in Europe’s hydrogen liquefaction sector as well as highlighting key markets of interest as found by EIC Consult.
  • 15:25 Q&A
  • 15:55 End of Conference


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