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Please note: This event finished on 30 November 2022

The Future of the North Sea: Implementing your Digital Road Map, will serve as a platform to navigate this rapidly evolving digital landscape, bringing together CEOs, CIOs, VPs of Operations & Production, Heads of IT, Engineering Solutions & Advanced Analytics Directors and Asset Managers, with investors and innovators.


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COVID – 19 has impacted all our lives and the way we operate; it has had the biggest impact across the energy sector combined with Russia’s war on Ukraine severely impacting the European energy supply. It is paramount now the UK must look at exploration opportunities within a cost effective way while pushing new energy resources and opportunities to decarbonise.

The North Sea Energy sector needs a fundamental shift into the digital age. In the face of a rapidly evolving
technological landscape, developing game changing digital solutions, re-evaluating existing operating models,
and utilizing data to transform exploration efforts, have been brought to the forefront of industry discussion.
As digital transformation expands its reach across the industry, bringing with it digital drilling and production
technology, operational efficiency, data-driven operating models, opportunities in subsurface CCS storage,
distributed ledger solutions, lower per barrel production costs and revolutionized supply chains, now is the
time to transform your business model and embrace the full benefits that the digital oilfield has to offer.

The Future of the North Sea: Implementing your Digital Road Map, will serve as a platform to navigate this
rapidly evolving digital landscape, bringing together CEOs, CIOs, VPs of Operations & Production, Heads of IT,
Engineering Solutions & Advanced Analytics Directors and Asset Managers, with investors and innovators.

Sessions One and Two

Session 1. What Should your Next Digital Steps be?

With transitioning happening within the North Sea Energy Sector and different energy production methods now in place. This session will address next steps for connecting platforms and how digitalisation, connectivity and collaboration across sectors can lead the way. In this session you will hear from different key industry stakeholders about what you can do and how you can implement your new digital strategy and how such efforts can enhance operations moving forward.


  • 9:40
    Chairs Opening Address: Peter Clark, Technical Director, Belltree
  • 9:45
    Pamela Lomoro, Project Manager, Net Zero Technology Centre

    "Cross-industry collaboration: The key to maximising benefits of digital transformation for a net zero transition"

    Digital technologies are making energy systems more connected, intelligent, efficient, reliable, and sustainable. Advances in data analytics and connectivity are enabling a range of new digital applications such as digital twins, smart cities and highly advanced robotics for remote operations to name a few. The greatest transformational potential for digitalisation is its ability to break down boundaries between energy sectors, increasing flexibility and enabling integration across entire systems
    While the energy industry is rapidly transforming digitally, key challenges remain as this transformation often occur in siloed centralized functions and divisions which focuses on internal needs. The need for enhanced collaboration between functions, between companies, and even across-sectors are often spoken of, but tangible progress is much too slow. How can we develop a functioning digital ecosystem for cross-industry stakeholders to help drive net zero transition through an integrated energy approach?
    In this presentation, Pamela will outline the challenges to maximising the benefits of digital transformation at scale, and give examples of a way forward through a smart energy basin approach
  • 10:05
    David Lecore, Head of Data Services and Compliance, North Sea Transition Authority

    " Preparing for a digital journey "

    As you set off on a digital journey, do you know where you are setting off from and are you prepared for the journey? A quick look at the as-is situation and challenges to progress.
  • 10:25
    Erik Nijveld, CEO, TechnologyCatalogue.com

    Colin Black, Managing Director, Carjon-NRG & UK Partner, TechnologyCatalogue.com

    “Using data insights to find & select technologies to improve performance”

    The UK Energy Technology Platform (https://uk.energytechnologyplatform.com/) was launched in 2020 to support UK companies with accelerating the uptake of technology. The platform is fully aligned with the NSTA Lifecycle Categories and Priorities. It already contains >550 technologies, and technologies are being added every week. It is actively being used by multiple energy companies in the UK.
    In this presentation, we will give an overview of the platform, and show the attendees how you can use it to find and select the right technologies, based on data insights.
  • 10:45
  • 11:00
    Coffee & Networking Break

Session 2. Big Data & Advanced Analytics

As the industry strives to become more productive, efficient, safe and reliable, the adoption of advanced analytics and big data is becoming increasingly prominent. With possibilities for improving operational processes across the energy value chain, including exploration, production, storage, processing and distribution, advanced analytics and big data provide a wealth of promise for the industry. This session will consider the new generation of analytics and big data which is serving to enhance operational efficiency, alongside saving time and money. Discussion will also consider how cross-collaboration between sectors can enhance this and what security protocols need to be put in place to make this possible.


  • 11:45
    Peter Clark, Technical Director, Belltree

    “Plugging in to Open Data”

    Recent positive improvements have been made in the availability of legacy open data in the North Sea and elsewhere. As we seek to maximise future domestic energy production in an increasingly mature, complex and decarbonising energy landscape it is important that data analytics tools as well as work processes and cultures are updated to take full advantage of open and analogue datasets. This talk will take a high level look at issues and improvements being made in this space and seek to provoke thought about what barriers may still need to be overcome.
  • 12:05
    Jinchang Ren, Director, National Subsea Centre

    "Multimodal Image Analysis for Condition Monitoring of the Ocean: from Remote Sensing to Onsite Inspection"
  • 12:25
    Pom Sabharwal, Region Technical Sales & Solutions, Halliburton

    "Digitalization & Data Augmentation Leveraging Open Architecture Platforms"

    Digital transformation in any industry affects the entire set of enterprise functions - from automation of processes to execution. It directly affects and leads to changes in both the business operating model and the infrastructure of the enterprise. The energy industry is no different from other industries and we are going through a rapid transition to digital and openness, at all levels.
    The sector is embracing these disruptors to innovate and re-invent itself for the future. The drive towards multi-disciplinary operating models is important to realize value, and should be supplemented with quality data that is delivered at the right time to help derive key insights. These value chains need to be connected, and open architecture platforms can seek to avoid lock-ins.
    In this presentation, we will focus on how open and flexible architecture enables the integration of applications, integrated computational data science, ML/AI innovations and connected digital twins.
  • 12:45
  • 13:00
    Lunch & Networking

Session Three

Session 3. “Digital Twins” & Asset Management

The dawn of the “Digital Twin” is one of the most ground-breaking solutions to emerge from the digital transformation movement. “Digital Twins”, namely a virtual model of a physical asset, are increasingly becoming a business imperative. Covering the entire lifecycle of an asset, digital twins can be used to optimize business outcomes, accurately predict results, reduce risk, improve productivity, and provide a foundation for other connected services or products. This session will address the latest developments within “digital twin” technologies, alongside the benefits of utilizing such technologies as an asset management strategy.


  • 14:05
    Chairs Opening Address: Peter Clark, Technical Director, Belltree
  • 14:10
    Mohammad Yasir, Industry Solutions Advisor – Well Construction, Halliburton

    "A Field Development Planning Use Case"

    Our industry is going through a transformational phase in which we need to balance sustainability and economic targets. These changes are encouraging organizations to minimize waste in work processes and use digital levers to help lower cost and increase efficiency.
    To succeed in this digital era, it is imperative to transform our work environments. We believe this digital transformation should be multidimensional and encompass cloud technology, automation, artificial intelligence and machine learning. These technologies can help to build a digital twin across the entire E&P lifecycle.
    The ability to have a digital representation of the various operations enables companies to test and model multiple scenarios before committing resources to building a physical twin, and can result in lower costs and increasing efficiency.
    In this presentation, we will talk about Halliburton’s integrated suite of solutions that can help you to establish an asset digital twin in reference to field development planning.
  • 14:30
    John Glen, Co Founder & CFO, Spartan Solutions

    “Predictive Analytics: A North Sea Case Study”

    Lessons on how to use AI to improve equipment uptime.
  • 14:50
    Dr Shen Li, Research Fellow, University of Strathclyde

    "Digital Twin Enabled Structural Integrity Management"

    A talk will be given for an emerging technology “digital twin” and the opportunities it brings to the maritime industry regarding structural integrity management. Demonstration examples are presented to elucidate the functionality of digital twin. Challenges associated with the implementation and practicality of digital twin are discussed, followed by a proposed path forward.
  • 15:10
  • 15:20
    Coffee & Networking Break
  • 15:35
    Panel Discussion - How Can Digital Twins improve the performance of your asset?

    Ampea Boteng, Principal engineer -Wind turbine architecture, Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

    Mohammad Yasir, Solutions Advisor for Drilling and Completions, Halliburton

    John Glen, Co Founder & CFO, Spartan Solutions
  • 16:10
    Rob Turner, Principal Consultant, Yokogawa

    "Managing Cyber Security Risk in the North Sea"

    Digitalization brings many benefits, but it also presents a risk to the business. In this presentation we will look at the nature of that risk and the threats behind it. We will also look at the risk management process, comparing and contrasting it with the familiar, and attempting to answer the question; "when it comes to cyber security, how much is enough?".
  • 16:35
    End of Day 1

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