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Please note: This event finished on 31 March 2022

The Europe CCUS & Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit will focus on how to determine strategies for greater decarbonisation of the energy intensive sectors and enhance collaboration and innovation between 300+ government officials, regulators, key industry stake holders, leading academia and service companies.


“ The Europe CCUS & Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit will address the latest developments and opportunities across the Carbon Capture, Utilisation & Storage (CCUS) and Hydrogen sectors, and determine strategies for greater decarbonisation of the energy intensive industries. Bringing together decarbonisation policy makers, industry and innovators, the two-day summit will address approaches for accelerating the rollout of innovative decarbonising technologies. ”

With decarbonisation across all sectors of the world economy taking centre stage throughout the 2020’s, meeting carbon emission targets and supporting the development of clean technologies have become the building blocks to a decarbonised future. With energy-intensive industries currently producing approximately 24% of global emissions. The transition to a cleaner, smarter power system is well underway, with innovation propelling the sector forward.

The Europe CCUS & Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit will focus on how to determine strategies for greater decarbonisation of the energy intensive sectors and enhance collaboration and innovation between 300+ government officials, regulators, key industry stake holders, leading academia and service companies.

Sessions One and Two

Session I - EU & International Policy

Meeting carbon emission targets, whilst also being able to manage the energy demands of the European economy, is a challenge that policy makers, industry and innovators must work together. With the global hydrogen market tipped to rise to £1.9 trillion by 2050, establishing a hydrogen economy in Europe is becoming a key component of EU governments decarbonisation strategy, alongside the EU’s commitment to CCUS & Hydrogen production. This session will review the latest policy developments within the hydrogen & CCUS markets across different European countries and the impact upon decarbonisation of the economy. The European Commission has recognised that CCUS and hydrogen will be needed to deliver their climate targets. The discussion will cover short & long-term policy initiatives that can support CCS and hydrogen development, international perspectives, and roadmaps for building an interconnected & interdependent hydrogen economy. We will also discuss the European Green Deal & Just Transformation Fund (JTF) that aims to become the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050 and will offer 1 trillion € investment on environmental responsible projects.


  • 9:25 Brett Ryan, Hydrogen UK, Chair Opening Address
  • 9:30 François-Régis Mouton, Regional Director Europe, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP)

    ‘An enabling policy framework to allow development of low-carbon solutions’

    IOGP will present its role and activities in Europe, emphasizing key policy areas. The presentation will focus on the industry’s role in the energy transition and the technologies that support it. To accelerate deployment of such technologies, François-Régis Mouton will outline needed developments in the EU policy framework.
  • 9:50 Per-Olf Granstrom, EU Director, Carbon Capture Storage Association
  • 10:10 Tobias Bühnen, Policy Advisor, Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE)
  • 10:30 Sandrine Devos, Secretary General of Eurofuel (the European Heating Oil Association)

    "The perspectives of PtL for buildings”

    For most oil-heated households it is not that easy to switch to a different heating technology and energy, be it for technical or financial reasons. Liquid fuels remain their best option.
    Decarbonising the heating sector is key for achieving EU’s climate objectives. Different solutions exist to decarbonise the sector, and low-carbon and renewable liquid fuels are one of them.
    Power-to-Liquid (PtL) includes the combination of hydrogen with CO2 to produce liquid fuels and achieve a significant CO2 reduction, and their use in heating would allow users to keep their heating installation.
    What are the current obstacles and what would enable their uptake in the future?
  • 10:50 Q&A
  • 11:00 Coffee & Networking Break

Session II - Energy Mix

The European Commission estimates electricity will form the backbone of Europe’s low-carbon energy system in 2050. However currently 22.7% of EU’s energy needs are currently met by electricity, with renewable sources making 33%. CCUS has been deemed a key component of the energy mix and a necessary tool for meeting the EU's 2050 climate change targets. With different countries in Europe offering an incredibly favourable environment for supporting CCUS, through existing Oil & Gas industry capabilities and geological resources, the potential for its adoption is becoming increasingly significant. Possibilities for applying CCUS to many areas of the economy make it an incredibly useful technology for decarbonisation, with CCUS often deemed the most cost effective and in many cases the only option for decarbonising some industrial processes. This session will evaluate the role of CCUS & Hydrogen in the EU energy mix, and its broader role in reducing emissions, and decarbonising energy intensive industries. Several EU countries (Austria, German, Belgium and The Netherlands) have already adopted national strategies towards promotion and integration of hydrogen and CCUS as one of the pathways towards decarbonisation of their economies. This session will give an opportunity for each country to present the latest national energy policies and direction to hitting their 2050 targets.


  • 11:45 Wouter Vanhoudt, Head of Global Business Development & Marketing, Hincio

    “Renewable and low carbon PtX markets created by Fitfor55”

    • In the wake of the Paris agreement, the EU has set targets to reach -55% (up from -40%) GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 1990, and aim for net zero emissions in 2050, referred to as “FitFor55”
    • Together these policies are globally the first structured set of policy measures focused on transitioning the economy to comply with the Paris agreement, effectively constituting an EU Climate & Industry Policy
    • Hinicio will give an overview of Fit for 55 policy measures and their impact on renewable and low carbon hydrogen and e-fuel production inside and outside the EU

  • 12:05 Dennis Hesseling, Head of Department, ACER

    ‘Regulation of hydrogen networks: a gradual and cost-efficient approach’.

    The EU Gas decarbonisation and Hydrogen package foresees an important role for hydrogen in a decarbonised European energy system. Most of that hydrogen would flow through pipelines, and some of those would be interconnected. For that part of the system, the question is if, when and how it should be regulated. Based on the extensive experience EU regulators have in regulating natural gas pipelines, the presentation will focus on the main regulatory principles that should be applied. It includes a discussion on sensitive topics such as asset valuation and cross-subsidisation.
  • 12:25 Energy Mix Panel Discussion

    Moderator, Oleksiy Tatarenko, Principal, RMI

    Francisco de la Flor, Director, Enagas

    Dr. James Watson, Secretary General, Eurogas

    Wouter Vanhoudt, Head of Global Business Development & Marketing, Hincio

  • 12:55 Lunch & Networking

Session Three

Session III - Projects & Infrastructure

There is a substantial need to upgrade the European infrastructure in order to accommodate the broader implementation of CCUS & hydrogen technology. With the European Commission aiming to be Net Zero under the European Green Deal & Just Transformation Fund. This means high capital & operational investment is needed to establish a supportive infrastructure network, evolving the EU’s energy infrastructure is key to the successful deployment of such technology. This session will focus upon strategies for evolving the European Union’s energy infrastructure to incorporate new energy sources, alongside discussion of existing CCUS and hydrogen projects. Discussion will include developing a carbon dioxide infrastructure network to support decarbonisation, how best to deploy infrastructure, potential for re-using existing infrastructure, developing CCUS in industrial centres to build a shared carbon dioxide infrastructure network, workforce capacity, repurposing existing gas distribution networks for use with hydrogen, broader projects focused on end use, building a hydrogen supply chain, and utilising a blend of hydrogen & natural gas as a transition option to move toward a 100% hydrogen grid in parts of EU. Case study sessions will focus on current projects and future plans for helping the EU achieve its carbon targets and ensure the major carbon producing sectors are on the path to become carbon neutral. Key themes will include CCUS project results to date, reducing costs, drawing upon global experience to determine how CCUS technologies could transform the EU's industrial sector and reduce carbon emissions. The need for collaboration between private and public sectors to lower costs and remove barriers to wider deployment will also be discussed.


  • 13:55 Brett Ryan, Hydrogen UK, Chair Opening Address
  • 14:00 Manuel Jacques, Gas Treatment and CCUS Technology Manager, Technip Energies
  • 14:20 Claude Letourneau, President & CEO, Svante

    ‘’Decarbonization of industrial processes using solid sorbent carbon capture solutions’’

    In almost any decarbonization and net-zero pathway, there will be a massive need to invest in Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR). Consensus has built that about 10,000 capture plants will be needed by 2050 – scale and speed will be needed. Svante offer companies in hard-to-abate industries such as cement, hydrogen, and pulp and paper a commercially viable way to capture CO2 and enable a net-zero emission future. We are proposing an engineered-solution to rapidly capture CO2 from a post-combustion diluted gas stream with a unique solid filter made from nano-materials called solid structured adsorbents. These filters when combined with a continuous rotary contactor will catch the CO2 from very diluted streams and release the pure CO2 in less than 60 seconds to make pipeline-grade CO2 ready to be compressed and safely stored underground. The benefit of Svante technology is a significant reduction of the capital investment required to build carbon capture plant. We are modular and entail lower capital cost compared to conventional liquid-based technologies at much smaller scale.

  • 14:40 Steinar Eiikass, Head of Low Carbon Solutions, Equinor
  • 15:00 Doris Hafenbradl, Chief Technology Officer, Electrochaea

    "Biological Methanation: An Industrial-Scale Application for Energy Storage, CO2 Reuse and Renewable Fuel."

    Electrochaea’s proprietary power-to-gas (P2G) process converts renewable energy and carbon dioxide into grid-quality renewable methane for storage and distribution. Renewable methane is synthesized from CO2 and H2 by our patented biocatalyst, a selectively evolved microorganism – a methanogenic archaea. CO2 can be recycled from any source such as anaerobic digestors, landfills, dairies, fermentation facilities or industrial processes.

    Our biomethanation technology has been demonstrated in our pilot plants, where renewable methane has been injected into commercial gas grids in Switzerland and Denmark. Electrochaea provides a simple and cost-effective power conversion system scalable to > 100 MW of capacity and is ready to commercialize the P2G technology to address the needs for large scale production of renewable methane.

  • 15:20 Q&A
  • 15:30 Coffee & Networking Break
  • 15:45 Arne Stecher, Head of Decarbonization, Holcim

    "Transformation and industrial decarbonization at Holcim Germany"

    (Description of Holcim Germany transformation towards net zero; building up new CO2 driven supply chains; presentation of project "Westküste 100" )

    Within the five-year project period, an electrolysis plant with a capacity of 30 megawatts is to be installed initially. It will provide insights into the operation, maintenance, control and grid serviceability of the plants in order to transfer them to the next scaling step. This could, for example, be an electrolysis plant in the order of 700 MW, for which the electricity is generated by an offshore wind farm.


  • 16:05 Silvian Baltac, Senior Principle Consultant, Element Energy (an ERM Company)

    "The role of industrial clusters and CCS in driving large-scale decarbonisation in Europe"

    The UK has made great progress in development of CCS projects around industrial clusters, with two clusters selected to become operational by the mid of the decade, whilst Norway is already building the Northern Lights CCS project. To reach net-zero, European Industrial sites, accounting for over 500MtCO2/year, would also need to decarbonise. However, given the wide geography, natural resources and access to infrastructure, European industrial sites and clusters face different challenges when it comes to decarbonisation. Silvian Baltac, Industrial Decarbonisation and CCUS Team leader at Element Energy (an ERM Company), will be discussing what the European clusters could learn from emerging projects in the North Sea region and develop a sustainable long-term business model.
  • 16:25 Dr.Ralph Kleinschmidt, Head of Technology, Innovation & Sustainability, thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions.

    "Green Industry – smart solutions for climate protection“

    During the last years thyssenkrupp Uhde developed several chemical processes that could help the industry to meet the climate-neutral targets. Starting from the steel industry different pathways to avoid or utilize carbon dioxide are introduced, the need for versatile hydrogen carriers for imports is discussed and some of the therefore needed production processes for green chemicals are presented.

  • 16:45 Rogaciano Rebelo, CEO, Madoqua ventures

    "Madoqua Synfuels – the journey towards decarbonizing the cement industry in Portugal"
  • 17:05 Q&A
  • 17:15 End of Day 1

Sessions One and Two

Session I - Hydrogen Production & Projects

This session will review current and planned hydrogen projects across Europe. Key themes will include results and developments to date, sustainable transportation, economic benefits such as job creation and supporting other industries. Discussion will also cover integrating a variety of low carbon technologies into large-scale hydrogen trials, maximising efficiencies in the production process, reducing costs to enable competitive production of large volumes of hydrogen, waste to hydrogen, hydrogen production through Steam Methane Reforming (SMR), utilising surplus renewable energy for hydrogen production.


  • 9:25 Danny Technical Advisor Alternative Clean Energy, Halliburton, Chair Opening Address
  • 9:30 Paul Bogers, Vice President Hydrogen, Shell

    "Hydrogen Hubs – One of the building blocks of a global hydrogen economy"

    Shell is progressively working with partners to build decarbonised hydrogen hubs, with the first ones in the Netherlands and Germany in development. How can hydrogen hubs enable expansion into regional clusters and finally a broader global hydrogen network, and what is needed to secure their success?
  • 9:50 Sébastien Douguet , Deloitte
  • 10:10 Shahab Nazari, McDermott, Global Technical Lead in Green Hydrogen
  • 10:30 Case Study
  • 10:50 Q&A
  • 11:00 Coffee & Networking Break
  • 11:45 Max Brouwers, Chief Business Development Officer

    The importance of distributed green hydrogen infrastructure for transport

    Distributed networks of large-scale hydrogen generation, storage and delivery infrastructure will be a key component for integrated regional net zero energy solutions. It requires the placement of these hydrogen production and refuelling hubs for public and commercial transport at optimal locations, based on a broad spectrum of input factors. A data-analytics driven method to achieve this, and a case study for the Port of Shoreham will be used to demonstrate this.
  • 12:05 Rene Peters, Director Gas Technology, TNO

    "Offshore hydrogen production in the North Sea – pilot project PosHYdon"

    The North Sea is in transition from a mature oil and gas producing region towards a renewable energy source for Northwest Europe.
    As oil and gas production in key regions of the North Sea is in decline, the Netherlands, UK, Denmark and Norway are transferring towards low carbon energy solutions such as offshore wind and CCS. Having an extensive infrastructure enables new integrated solutions to accelerate the energy transition at lower societal cost, such as CO2 transport and storage in offshore depleted gas fields, and transport of far offshore wind power in the form of hydrogen through existing pipelines to shore, thereby eliminating expensive power cables and high voltage DC transformers offshore. The development of offshore hydrogen production is however in its infancy, where the first pilot for offshore H2 production on an existing oil and gas platform has just started, the PosHYdon project in the Netherlands.
  • 12:25 Vincent Duverne, Business Development Manager, Axens

    Bruno Domergue, New Business Project Leader, Axens

    "Axens’ Offer for Low Carbon Hydrogen Production and Transport"
  • 12:45 Q&A
  • 12:55 Lunch & Networking

Session II - CCS & Hydrogen Storage Infrastructure

Storage presents the final step of a well-balanced energy mix and CO2 management. The application and incorporation of carbon capture, utilisation and storage is also key to the successful development of a ‘Hydrogen Economy’. This session will take an in depth look at energy storage of CO2 and Hydrogen, and the technologies required to make it possible.


  • 13:55 Danny Technical Advisor Alternative Clean Energy, Halliburton, Chair Opening Address
  • 14:00 Energy Storage panel discussion

    Cathrine Ringstad, Senior Adviser in Applied Geoscience, SINTEF

    Andreas Kunz, Chief Technology Officer, INNIO

    Niall Mac Dowell, Professor of Future Energy Systems, Imperial College London
  • 14:45 Pierpaolo Marchesini, Silixa Ltd

    Advanced Distributed fibre-optic sensing applications for improved efficiency and safety in Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage projects.

    High-resolution subsurface datasets are a key component to deliver a successful monitoring program over the lifetime of a commercial carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) project. To maximize operational efficiency, reliability, and safety, Silixa has developed a new distributed sensing-based monitoring solution called Carina® CarbonSecure™ that delivers ultra-high resolution, densely sampled acoustic data for real-time continuous and/or on-demand seismic monitoring.

    The solution includes 3D/4D vertical seismic profiling (VSP) for plume detection and a monitoring platform to detect and locate microseismic activity during the injection phase. The enhanced 100x performance in signal-to-noise ratio of Carina® interrogators allow for less seismic sources onshore and fewer shots offshore, meaning a significant decrease in environmental impact and costs.

    In addition, by utilizing the same fibre array, distributed temperature data are incorporated into the solution to achieve well-integrity monitoring and early leak detection.
    Case studies showed the efficiency and reliability of such monitoring approach that delivers unprecedented monitoring capabilities while ensuring maximum safety over the various stages of project development.
  • 15:10 Coffee & Networking Break

Session Three

Session III - Investment opportunities, Carbon Pricing & Economics

With sustainable and environmentally friendly projects taking the forefront for investors within energy projects offshore wind, CCUS and Hydrogen will provide a global economic opportunity for the Energy sector and holds great potential for both continued development and EU’s export potential. This session will consider investment potential & trends, opportunities for the EU, carbon pricing, how to create a sustainable market, funding opportunities, public & private partnerships, investing in R&D, and funding initiatives. Commercial barriers to development will also be addressed, including investment risks, considerable capital requirements, and challenging route-to-market in the EU.


  • 15:25 Case Study
  • 15:45 European Investment Bank
  • 16:05 Panel Discussion “How to create a market and carbon pricing “

    Allan Baker, Managing Director Global Head of Power, Societe Generale

    Abyd Karmali, Managing Director Climiate Finance, Bank of America

    Bert Van Der Toorn, Senior Loan Officer, European Investment Bank
  • 16:45 Conference End


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