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Please note: This event finished on 27 March 2019

As digital transformation expands its reach across the industry, bringing with it digital drilling and production technology, operational efficiency, data-driven operating models, distributed ledger solutions, lower per barrel production costs and revolutionized supply chains, now is the time to embrace the digital oilfield.


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Digital disruption is everywhere. Transforming our day to day lives, digitalisation is impacting every aspect of the way we live and work. The oil & gas industry is no exception to this rule, with the sector undergoing a fundamental shift into the digital age and the emergence of a digital oilfield market predicted to exceed $30.7 billion by 2020. In the face of a rapidly evolving technological landscape, developing game changing digital solutions, re-evaluating existing operating models, and utilizing data to transform exploration efforts, have been brought to the forefront of industry discussion.

As digital transformation expands its reach across the industry, bringing with it digital drilling and production technology, operational efficiency, data-driven operating models, distributed ledger solutions, lower per barrel production costs and revolutionized supply chains, now is the time to embrace the digital oilfield. 

The Future Oil & Gas USA: Digital Transformation Summit will serve as a platform to navigate this rapidly evolving digital landscape, bringing together CEOs, CIOs, VPs of Operations & Production, Heads of IT, Engineering Solutions & Advanced Analytics Directors and Asset Managers, with investors and innovators.

Sessions One and Two

Digital Transformation: New Age Oil & Gas

With such a fundamental shift occurring within the industry, developing strategies for how best to approach this new digital age of oil & gas is at the forefront of industry discussion. Despite common misconceptions, digital transformation is not in fact a technology-led transition, but a business-led evolution transforming all characteristics of an operating model to utilise digital technology, affecting everything from internal structure and culture, to external partners and suppliers. This session will navigate strategies for transitioning to a digitally enabled business. Discussion will include addressing business challenges & needs, developing a bespoke digital transformation road map, where to focus digital efforts, transforming a business into a data driven one, and key areas for suppliers & contractors to change to support digitalization.


  • 8:05 Chair opening address
  • 8:15 Afshean Talasaz, Senior Data Scientist, Chesapeake Energy Corporation

    Title: Digital Transformation in Oil & Gas: The Allure of Industry 4.0 and the Necessary Step to 3.5 First

    • Many Oil & Gas companies are struggling to scale digital initiatives. Misalignments across IT, OT, and Operations strategies are the cause. (we use the Gartner survey metrics here)
    • IT teams must undergo their own transformation in order to scale corporate digital initiatives beyond the pilot phase. (we use IT specific transformation statistics here – modern integrations, journey to cloud, etc.)
    • Key technology domains such as IIoT and AI are still in their early days, strong IT leadership is required to navigate the complexity of the landscape.
  • 8:40 W. Quentin Dyson, Vice President Operations, Southwestern Energy

    Title: Southwestern Energy’s Approach to Digitalization

    Like many E&P companies, Southwestern Energy continues to focus on improving its business performance and has been over its 90 year history. But the drop in commodity prices in 2016 prompted even new thinking across the company about looking at ways that digital solutions may play a role for addressing opportunities both large and small across the enterprise.

    Southwestern Energy VP of Operations Quentin Dyson will discuss how the company tackled the challenge of deploying digital solutions; identified promising areas to explore; created pilot projects; determined the success factors for initiatives and how the company has advanced its thinking into how digital solutions may improve its business.
  • 9:05 Mike Glowacki, Vice President of Technical Product Management, Digital Technology, Baker Hughes GE

    Title: The lenses of digital technology and your digital ambition

    As companies work to determine where their digital dollars should best be spent, BHGE has examined digital technology’s capital allocation through several lenses. Using these lenses, BHGE’s VP of Technical Product Management, Digital Technology, Mike Glowacki, will discuss examples, a case study and how to determine your digital ambition.
  • 9:30 Chris Wilkinson, Digital Transformation Business Development, Micro Focus

    Title: Addressing the Challenges of Digital Transformation

    Session Description: Recent surveys indicate that Digital Transformation Initiatives face critical challenges as they mature. Initial excitement about the opportunities that Digital Transformation can create may lead to waning enthusiasm in following years. This session will explore how Digital Transformation leaders can maintain the level of enthusiasm, and corresponding investment, required to provide the lasting process, organizational and cultural changes necessary to maximize return on investment. How do Digital Transformation leaders stay aligned with Business Strategy and demonstrate Return on Investment to relevant stakeholders? We will also explore how you can strengthen the connection between Business Strategy and Operational Execution within the Digital Transformation Initiative.
  • 9:50 Q & A
  • 10:05 Coffee & Networking Break

Big Data & Adding Value

Digital applications produce an abundance of data. Translating that data into manageable information and actionable results poses more of a challenge. This panel led session will address strategies for interpreting the magnitude of data produced and how to effectively use such data to enable measured results. Discussion will include the need for collaboration & data sharing, identifying business challenges & how data can support this, and the lack of best practice models within the industry.


  • 10:50 Luther Birdzell, Founder and CEO, OAG Analytics

    Title: How to Identify New D&C Cost Savings with AI

    AI provides oil and gas companies the ability to rapidly analyze and comprehend data. You want to drive value with AI, but it’s hard. Some companies took several years and spent tens of millions of dollars to build this themselves. Others have done it with partners and deployed to production in less than 6 months and spent less than a million dollars in the first year.

    Luther will review the four components required to integrate AI into your workflows and explore best practices for implementation.
  • 11:10 Panel discussion Big Data Best Practise: “Understanding & Implementing”

    Keith Fraley, President ,40Geo, LLC

    Ashwani Dev, Digital and Data Science Officer North America, Halliburton

    Luther Birdzell, Founder and CEO, OAG Analytics
  • 11:40 Asbjørn Tonstad, CTO, Cegal LLC

    Title: How GeoCloud accelerates E&P digitalization

    Many oil and gas companies are working hard to define and deliver a cloud strategy and make digitalization happen. GeoCloud, a vendor agnostic cloud solution for E&P is so far used by more than 20 customers worldwide. Running on any cloud, GeoCloud accelerates E&P digitalization, and help customers to spearhead innovation.
  • 12:05 Lunch and Networking

Sessions Three and Four

“Digital Twins” & Asset Management

The dawn of the “Digital Twin” is one of the most ground-breaking solutions to emerge from the digital transformation movement. “Digital Twins”, namely a virtual model of a physical asset, are increasingly becoming a business imperative. Covering the entire lifecycle of an asset, digital twins can be used to optimize business outcomes, accurately predict results, reduce risk, improve productivity, and provide a foundation for other connected services or products. This session will address the latest developments within “digital twin” technologies, alongside the benefits of utilizing such technologies as an asset management strategy.


  • 13:05 Chair opening address
  • 13:10 Ida Sorli Frellsen, Director of Customer Success, Cognite

    Title: Defining the standard for Digital Twin in Oil & Gas

    A digital twin can be an empty box. Or it can be one of the most useful tools to drive business value for heavy asset industries. The difference is in the data.
    Industry has many definitions for “digital twin”. This presentation will demystify some of the most common buzzwords and focus on the practical use and development of digital twins from an IIOT and linked data perspective. We will demonstrate the current and future potential of digital twins, using a cloud-native industrial data platform to aggregate and contextualize all kinds of industrial data.
  • 13:35 Panel Discussion How Can Digital Twins improve the performance of your asset?

    Hani Elsashawi, Head of Digitilisation, Shell

    Richard Salter, Global Technical Director of Geosciences, Schlumberger

    Bill Alashqar, VP of Global Sales & Marketing , JP Global Digital
  • 14:10 Hani Eslshawi, Digitalization Lead – Deepwater Technology, Shell

    Title: Applications of digital twins across the E&P life cycle

    As digitalization continues to disrupt the oil and gas industry, the digital twin is becoming an increasingly popular one. Yet for a technology that is the subject of so many conversations, there is still a lot of confusion about what it really means. Discussions around digital twins tend to reflect the siloed thinking that still characterizes much of our sector. This is ironic, given that breaking down these silos is one of the many advantages that digital twins offer.

    This presentation will attempt to decipher the complexity of the digital twin concept as it is at the core of product and system life-cycle management in that it can be used starting with product design and development to monitoring to operations to maintenance. A digital twin can be defined, fundamentally, as an evolving digital profile of the historical and current behavior of a physical object or process that helps optimize business performance. This pairing of the virtual and physical worlds allows analysis of data and monitoring of systems to head off problems before they even occur, prevent downtime, develop new opportunities and better plan for the future.
  • 14:35 Coffee & Networking Break

Cyber Security & Risk Management

Alongside the countless solutions brought by digital transformation, the transition to a digital industry also brings with it a number of associated risks. One of the most pressing challenges facing the industry to date is cyber security. This session will address risk management for transitioning to a digital business. Key themes will include protecting critical infrastructure from cyber threats, encouraging security awareness across the industry, employing digital technologies without causing risk to operations, data protection & ensuring critical information remains secure, trusting machine-driven operations, and developing robust control systems to combat cyber vulnerabilities.


  • 15:05 Michael Gutsche, Chief Security Strategist, Micro Focus

    Title: How has Cybersecurity impacted companies journey to digital transformation?

    We will look at how the threat landscape is changing, the evolving nature of data itself, and the areas of focus that are required to meet the adversaries head on. Traditional security is no longer sufficient to prevent data breach and therefore loss and damage. What strategies are the most effective way to "move the needle" with respect to a company’s security posture.
  • 15:30 Panel discussion: New age new problems how to mitigate any cyber security risks.

    Levone Campbell, Cyber Security Operations Lead, Aramco Services

    Michael Lewis, Policy Framework Advisor, Chevron

    Prasenjit Saha, Executive Vice President , Global Head, LTI

    Michael Gutsche, Chief Security Strategist , Microfocus
  • 16:15 Conference Finish

Sessions One and Two

Advanced Analytics and Automation

As the industry strives to become more productive, efficient, safe and reliable, the adoption of advanced analytics and automation is becoming increasingly prominent. With possibilities for improving operational processes across the oil and gas value chain, including exploration, production, processing and distribution, advanced analytics and automation systems provide a wealth of promise for the industry. This session will consider the new generation of analytics and automation which is serving to enhance operational efficiency, alongside saving time and money. Discussion will include analyzing seismic data, real-time information delivery such as well bottom communication, improving reservoir characterization and simulation, predictive maintenance requirements, increasing drilling safety & reducing drilling time, AI-based analytics for automated data processes, enhanced asset management, prescriptive analysis of runs, and improved occupation safety.


  • 8:25 Chair opening address
  • 8:30 Yasser Soliman, Global Traceability & Products Manager Operational Planning, Schlumberger

    Title: The future of Digital Products Planning

    Automation of digital products planning platform, for its different domains
    - Demand
    - Supply
    - Netting
    - Planning
    - External connections
  • 8:50 Suraj Rangashayi, Executive Vice President Oil & Gas, LTI

    The Oil & Gas Industry is targeting Improved reservoir characterization in existing assets as a key value-realization lever from the adoption of advanced analytics. To achieve this, we need to start by putting together a rich, high quality integrated data set that covers all past reservoir data and analysis for the reservoir: seismic, well logs, production data and well reports. This in itself is a challenging task. Subsurface data - where available in digital media - has been historically stored in silos in multiple proprietary databases: extracting the data, assessing and tagging quality across multiple copies to discarding duplicates, and integrating the data elements into a rich dataset is a daunting task. In addition, in many cases, the primary trusted data source is in physical copies of seismic maps, well logs and reports which needs to be digitized at scale in order to put together the required integrated data set to enable advanced analytics. LTI has been on a mission to solve this problem for the Industry: Suraj Rangashayi, will be speaking on a case study where LTI is currently addressing this challenge at scale with help from AI and machine Learning.
  • 9:10 Frederic J. Santarelli, CTO, Geomec

    Title: Optimising Reservoir Potential through Real-Time Data Analytics: Field Cases from The North Sea

    Many consider the application of “Big-Data Technology” to the oil industry a “major revolution”, which is very much confirmed by analysing the content of recent oil and gas conferences and journals. One of its many components is real-time data analytics.

    The presentation will focus on its application to the optimisation of reservoir potential. It will introduce a series of North Sea field cases panning over 30-years and by doing so, it will highlight the key components required for using real-time data analytics along with when they became widely available to the industry – e.g. metering, transfer, storage, acquisition frequency, etc.

    In turn this historical perspective will allow the quantification of the progress made over the years with respect to reservoir potential optimisation through real-time data analytics. It will show that, albeit continuous, progress in the field was essentially step-wise, corresponding to when each new component became available.

    Ultimately it will demonstrate beyond the shadow of a doubt that the application of “Big-Data Technology” in itself is not a revolution but rather a natural evolution. On the other hand, it will also demonstrate that the result of this application leads to multiple changes in the way wells and fields are being operated, which is the real revolution.

    While most field cases used during the presentation concern offshore conventional oil reservoirs, potential applications to unconventional oil plays will also be introduced.
  • 9:30 Q&A
  • 9:45 Coffee & Networking Break

Technology & Innovation

Technology and innovation are the driving forces behind digital transformation. This session will showcase the latest technologies emerging across the market and their impact upon the way oil and gas is produced, processed and managed. Key transformational technologies presented will include drones, additive manufacturing, and robotization. Discussion will focus in particular on the added benefits of utilizing additive manufacturing for fast prototyping, shortening the development cycle of oil & gas components, faster repairs and improved design quality, alongside the sophisticated data gathering, analytics and cost efficiency offered by drones.


  • 10:50 Darrell Knight, EVP Global Accounts, FutureOn

    Title: Enabling the Subsea Digital Twin Through Cloud-based Platform Technology

    A digital replica of field infrastructure and a digital data repository – has the most immediate potential to lower the cost of operations, increase worker productivity, and lower infrastructure costs. This discussion will explore the scope of applications of the digital twin by first examining how the offshore oil and gas industry has been shaped and hampered by the sheer deluge of data their work processes and equipment create.

    Followed by an examination of how digitalization and the implementation of the digital twin can free up valuable time and resources and make previously unrealized collaborations possible. Finally, the presentation will close with a focus on a real-life example of how an energy company is implementing these digitalization solutions in their work process to maximize efficiencies and free up valuable resources.
  • 11:15 Cheng Zhan, Senior Data Scientist, Anadarko

    Title: Application of Machine Learning for Oil Production Forecasting

    One of the central questions in science is forecasting: based on the past history, how well can we predict the future? In many domains with complex multivariate correlation structures and nonlinear dynamics, forecasting is highly challenging. In the oil and gas industry, conventional approaches such as the modified hyperbolic method, have been utilized to analyze the production decline curve. Forecasting decline curves is an important component for E&P companies in business planning, asset evaluation, and decision making. Here we introduce a machine learning approach to tackle the problem, and to be more specific, an LSTM approach (LSTM stands for Long Short Term Memory, which is one kind of recurrent neural network). Compared with the hyperbolic approach, where the problem has been reduced to an over-simplified curve and essentially determined by a global curvature structure, the LSTM model is more dynamic and has a better chance of capturing non-linear events. In time series prediction, one main difficulty is how to stabilize the solution, as the error can easily accumulate over time. One way to make the algorithm more robust is through feature engineering, and here we leverage historical data from other wells, which improves our prediction significantly. We also build the prediction model from the accumulated curve domain, and eventually ensemble multiple models to reduce the variance. Given the fact that the model is only trained on the first 3 months of data (around 10% of the data), the oil rate prediction for the first 2 years shows great promise.
  • 12:05 Rick Shepherd, Senior Account Executive , M-Files

    Title: How much can your Oil and Gas business gain from ECM?

    Companies are looking to ECM systems to manage the vast amount of data they seek to analyze, maintain and store on a daily basis. This whitepaper cites analyst research groups, industry organizations and trusted media sources to provide insight on how organizations leverage ECM for positive bottom line impact.
  • 12:25 Paul Stone, Solutions Architect, FlowForma

    Title: Empowering Your Workforce to Digitize your Processes

    The arrival of digitalization has opened doors to new solutions and the key focus of companies has shifted from cost saving initiatives as a primary driver, to empowering and enabling your people to do more through the successful adoption of digital technologies.
    From regularly speaking with energy, construction and engineering companies, we understand you may have challenges when it comes to digitizing processes, with many still heavily dependent on paper processes. However modern process automation tools have emerged that work to build and adapt processes quickly to eliminate paper-bound inefficiencies and more immediately deliver digital-age improvements to operational performance.
    But where do you begin? This session will take an in-depth look at:
    • Real life examples of business managers being empowered to rapidly automating processes
    • Creating agile organizations and implementing rapid change without resource constraints in IT
    • Process automation being the catalyst for digital transformation
  • 12:45 Q&A
  • 13:00 Lunch and networking


All speakers are invited unless stated confirmed

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