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Please note: This event finished on 02 September 2021

Every country has committed to reducing their carbon emissions in line with COP23. Over the last 12 months we have seen all oil and gas super majors commit to reducing their carbon footprint and are now transiting into sustainable energy business models.


“ The UK government is now investing £800 million to support CCUS clusters. As technology becomes more advanced the UK has the opportunity, expertise and the skills to export their skills and services overseas. By 2023 the UK will have 2 functional CCUS projects that will be supplying 100% Hydrogen to local manufacturers. This is now the time for innovation and collaboration to ensure the UK can become a world leader in decarbonisation. ”

The UK government is now investing £800 million to support CCUS clusters. As technology becomes more advanced the UK has the opportunity, expertise and the skills to export their skills and services overseas. By 2023 the UK will have 2 functional CCUS projects that will be supplying 100% Hydrogen to local manufacturers. This is now the time for innovation and collaboration to ensure the UK can become a world leader in decarbonisation. 

Every country has committed to reducing their carbon emissions in line with COP23. Over the last 12 months we have seen all oil and gas super majors commit to reducing their carbon footprint and are now transiting into sustainable energy business models.

The 2nd UK CCUS Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit will focus on how to determine strategies for greater decarbonisation of the energy intensive and enhance collaboration and innovation between 300+ government officials, regulators, key industry stake holders, leading academia and service companies.

Sessions One and Two

Session 1 - Policy & Country Outlook

Meeting carbon emission targets and becoming Net Zero whilst also being able to manage the energy demands of the UK economy, is a challenge policy makers, industry and innovators must work together. With the global hydrogen market tipped to rise to £1.9 trillion by 2050, establishing a hydrogen economy in the UK & Scotland is becoming a key fundamental of their governments’ decarbonisation strategy. This session will review the latest policy developments within the hydrogen & CCUS markets across the UK and the impact upon decarbonisation of the economy.


  • 9:25 Chairs opening address- Joe Howe, North West Hydrogen Alliance
  • 9:30 Cllr Zaffar, Cabinet Member for Transport & Environment, Birmingham City Council
  • 9:40 Olivia Powis, UK Head of Office, Carbon Capture Storage Association

    Presentation Title: Outlook for CCUS in the UK

    This session will cover the role of CCUS in the UK in delivering net zero, development of the UK CCUS clusters and the various business models that will enable the clusters to effectively deploy. It will also cover the opportunities that the CCUS industry will bring to the UK supply chain and wider economy, including its critical contribution to levelling-up.
  • 10:00 Martyn Link, Chief Strategy Officer, Wood

    Can the UK take pole position in enabling global deep decarbonization in the race to net zero?

    With the launch of the UK’s hydrogen strategy in August the stage is set to create the market conditions for a thriving deep decarbonization of hard to abate sectors. As industry digests the latest Whitehall thinking we consider how industry should respond and how this could lead to a competitive domestic supply chain and significant new export opportunities for UK companies.
  • 10:20 Tony Bryan, Commercial Manager & Rik Evans Group Performance Manager IGas Energy

    IGas has a wide land portfolio across the East Midlands and the Weald basin where its well sites, gathering centres and pipelines are located. As a part of broadening the Company’s approach to energy production, not least in light of its intentions to play an important role in the UK’s energy transition, the company has been evaluating the viability of its sites to become integrated hybrid energy hubs, encompassing combinations of solar, modular hydrogen, CCUS and battery storage; as well as growing its wider energy portfolio through acquisitions such as the GT Energy geothermal transaction in 2020.
  • 10:40 Q&A
  • 10:50 Coffee & Networking Break

Session 2 - Collaboration

As the industry moves forward and as more projects are developed, collaboration is key across many different institutions, governments, regulators, associations, academia and industrial clusters. This session will discuss how collaboration can catapult the UK as a world leader in decarbonisation.


  • 11:45 Policy Maker Panel Discussion

    Stephen Cummins, Head of Industrial Decarbonisation- Delivery and Innovation, BEIS

    Dr Ron Loveland, Senior Energy Advisor, Welsh Government

    Stephen Marcos Jones, Director General, UKPIA
  • 12:15 Regulator Panel Discussion

    Simon Wilde, Director Analysis, OFGEM

    Sean Pruce, Radioactive Substances and Installations Regulation, Environment Agency

    Paul Bradley, Head of Operations - Energy Division, HSE

  • 12:45 Lunch & Networking
  • 12:50 KBR roundtable Chinnan Dikwal and Sharmila Jugessur

    Topic: Hydrogen Energy Vectors: Technologies, Costs and Implications

    As the global pivot towards a hydrogen-based economy becomes reality and large export projects are announced, a key question faced by exporters, importers and transporters is what energy vector of hydrogen do I invest in? Answering this question requires analysing complex hydrogen supply chain models which can help identify which hydrogen transport mechanism will best suit an individual project with unique drivers and constraints. This roundtable discussion shall focus on exploring some of the key hydrogen carrier technologies currently being developed for the future hydrogen market, in the context of technology readiness, costs and implications.

    Invitation only

Sessions Three and Four

Session 3 - Projects

With several active projects now covering Scotland, North West, South Wales and the North East. This session we will be looking at Case Studies from each of the leading projects across the UK, it will discuss the developments over the last 12 months and what the next steps should be to move projects forward.


  • 13:45 Chairs opening address- Simon Buchler, Senior Associate, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner
  • 13:50 Richard Lowe, Director- Energy Sector Lead, AECOM

    Consenting of CCS Projects – lessons learned from NZT and Keadby 3.
    In summary I will be presenting on the approach to consenting of the NZT and Keadby 3 projects, which are the only 2 DCO applications to be submitted for cluster CCS projects in the UK to date. I will briefly explain the different consenting routes available and also the approach to assessment of environmental effects given the early stage in design development, focusing on air impacts which are a key concern for the regulators.

  • 14:10 Simon Smith, Study Manager, McDermott, Case Study

    Title: Case Study – Pre-FEED for UK Deployment of Allam-Fetvedt, Cycle Power Plant
  • 14:30 Dan Sadler, UK Low Carbon Strategy Director, Equinor

    Cost-effective decarbonisation: The East Coast Cluster, Zero Carbon Humber and Hydrogen to Humber
    Equinor's UK Low Carbon Strategy Director Dan Sadler will outline Equinor's hydrogen ambitions in the Humber, kick-started by H2H Saltend and furthered by partnerships on developing the world's first at-scale 100% hydrogen power station in North Lincolnshire and one of the world's largest hydrogen storage facilities on the East Yorkshire Coast.

    He will present on how these ambitions fit within the Zero Carbon Humber partnership, which aims to decarbonise the UK's largest emitting industrial cluster through hydrogen and CCUS by 2040; and the wider East Coast Cluster, which could help to remove almost half of the UK's industrial emissions across both Humber and Teesside, storing them safely under the North Sea.
  • 14:50 Andrew Barron, Director, ESRI

    Reducing Industrial Carbon Emissions (RICE): A Prototype Demonstration of Technology Integration

    Summary: The goal of RICE is to work with local supply chain companies to test how CO2 produced from heavy industrial processes can be innovatively used to make high value products and industrially important chemicals, while simultaneously demonstrating green hydrogen as a route to further helping to reduce industry’s carbon footprint. The RICE initiative is led by the Energy Safety Research Institute (ESRI) at Swansea University, in partnership with Sustainable Environment Research Centre (SERC) and the George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling (GEECS) at University of South Wales. Unlike other UK initiatives, RICE focus on delivering demonstrations at scale in order to de-risk adoption by creating a record of HAZOP, long term operation/maintenance, and ROI for technologies that will enable industry to adopt rapidly to ensure instillation prior to Net Zero deadlines. Technology demonstrations includes carbon capture and separation, carbon utilization through biological and electrochemical routes, green hydrogen, and resource reuse.
  • 15:10 David Parkin, Director, Progressive Energy

    HyNet North West: Delivering a full-chain Hydrogen / CCUS project
  • 15:30 Alan James, Chief Technology Officer, Storegga Geotechnologies

    Acorn Project – The Backbone of the Scottish Cluster

    The Acorn Project is one of the leading CCS and hydrogen projects in the UK. It can be operational by the mid-2020s, providing the critical backbone Transport and Storage infrastructure to the Scottish Cluster. The Project and the Scottish Cluster have seen significant developments in the last year, culminating with the submission of the Scottish Cluster bid into the BEIS Cluster Sequencing Phase 1 Process and the announcement of a host of MOUs with many of Scotland’s major CO2 emitters: SSE for the new Peterhead Carbon Capture Power Station, INEOS, Petroineos and Shell, Exxon Mobil and North Sea Midstream Partners – owners of two of the terminals at the St Fergus gas terminal. With access to a deep water port at Peterhead that allows ship transportation from areas without access to local CO2 storage, Acorn and the Scottish Cluster are well placed to accelerate decarbonisation across the UK and further afield.
  • 15:50 Q&A
  • 16:00 Coffee & Networking Break

Session 4 - Putting the U in CCUS

As CCUS projects are now developing across the UK this session will explore how to put the U in CCUS. Utilization is a key economic fundamental moving forward for projects as this can make the business case to ensure the project is commercially viable. We will discuss the opportunity how we can achieve negative emissions via BECC’s which will ensure the UK to hits its Net Zero targets.


  • 16:15 Chair & Session Moderator: Ian Riley, Chief Executive Officer, World Cement Association
  • 16:15 Doruk Isil, Vice President- C02 Management Product Line, Technip Energies

    Presentation Title: Key CO2 Utilization Routes: Conversion of CO2 to Methanol and Carbonates

    As momentum picks up in global decarbonization efforts, rapid and at scale deployment of CCUS become imperative. CCUS projects are challenging due to relatively limited availability of commercialized technologies, operating references and the evolutionary status of the economic models and compensation mechanisms for stakeholders. The inherent complexity in CCUS deployment, particularly in the challenging balance between cost, revenue, and value, can be ameliorated with CO2 Utilization, by turning CO2 into products of value to provide additional revenue streams for the stakeholders, thus enhancing the affordability of CCUS investments. While CO2 Utilization constitute an important frontier in CCUS, such enhanced affordability will require technology centered approaches, coupled with innovative and integrated solutions for opening various available pathways for monetizing CO2.

    The presentation will provide a glimpse of the recent CCU feasibility study that was conducted for a National Oil Company in South East Asia, for the conversion of CO2 to methanol and calcium carbonate, while analyzing the potential complexities that lie ahead for CCU projects.
  • 16:35 Ildiko Kiss, Project Developer, Net Zero Technology Centre

    Integrating the CCUS across carbon-intensive assets
    Opportunities for decarbonisation and utilization technologies

    At the NetZero Technology Centre we develop and deploy technology for an affordable net zero energy industry. In this presentation we will focus on the technology aspects of utilization as identified in our mapping as well as present on overview of one of the international CCUS projects NZTC is involved in
  • 16:55 Keith Simons, Principal Scientist, SHV Energy

    Low- and Negative-Carbon Renewable Dimethyl Ether

    SHV Energy, a global energy company and KEW Technology, a pioneering UK sustainable energy solutions company, have formed a joint venture named Circular Fuels Ltd to fast-track innovative advanced conversion technology for renewable DME production. The first commercial plant will produce 50ktpa of renewable dimethyl ether (rDME) from municipal waste in the UK. KEW’s proprietary advanced thermal conversion technology can produce renewable DME by processing a wide range of waste, bio-based and residue feedstock with high efficiency to create a low carbon fuel. The plant can also be configured to be CO2 capture-ready at which point the carbon intensity of the fuel becomes negative, operating in a BECCS configuration. Moreover, compared to other carbon-capture technologies, the production of renewable DME would produce a dispatchable fuel; address the difficult to decarbonise off-grid sectors; have an efficiency double that of electricity generation; and contribute to the UK’s net zero ambitions.
  • 17:15 Q&A
  • 17:25 Evening Network Reception
  • 19:30 End of Day 1

Sessions One and Two

Session 1 - Hydrogen Production & Projects

With Hydrogen now becoming the transition energy source for all governments within the UK, this session will discuss how Hydrogen can become the transition fuel from oil and gas into renewables. This session will be looking at current UK & International Case Studies of blue and green hydrogen projects and how the UK can utilise its offshore infrastructure and expertise to implement new hydrogen projects to ensure the UK hit its net zero targets.


  • 9:25 Chairs opening address: Neil Goldin, Director Market Intelligence, EIC
  • 9:30 Darren Cunningham, UK Lead & General Manager Humber Refinery, Phillips 66

    Decarbonising Refinery Operations
  • 9:50 Kevin Kinsella, Partner Low Carbon Energy Transition, ERM,

    ERM Dolphyn: Green Hydrogen Project Update

    Summary: The ERM Dolphyn project aims to deliver green hydrogen at scale from offshore floating wind. The solution combines offshore electrolysis, desalination and a wind turbine on a floating sub-structure suitable for deepwater application far from land. The system is completely autonomous , with no grid connection required, the hydrogen produced being sent back to shore via pipeline. The project is currently at FEED stage for a 10MW demonstrator unit, with plans in place for offshore trials next Summer and a first 200 MW commercial field development in the North Sea planned for the end of the decade.
  • 10:10 Jane Atkinson CBE, Executive Director - Engineering and Automation, Bilfinger

    Bilfinger Delivering a Sustainable Future.

    Bilfinger has a comprehensive portfolio of services to support its’ industrial customers to reach their sustainability goals and meet climate change targets. This presentation will showcase some of Bilfinger’s capabilities and how they have been applied to successful Hydrogen and CCUS projects in the UK and Europe.
  • 10:30 Grant Spence, Project Director, Costain

    Net Zero Engineering – A South Wales Case Study

    To successfully deliver Net Zero 2050, the UK needs engineers at the forefront of defining and implementing development and delivery activities: The Ten Point Plan provides a vision rather than blueprint of how Net Zero might be achieved. In practice the energy system infrastructure will either facilitate or constrain Net Zero implementation. Regional factors mean it is unlikely one national solution can be holistically applied, with a balanced mix of solutions required to account for resilience and security of supply requirements. Costain is working with the South
  • 10:50 Q&A
  • 11:00 Coffee & Networking Break
  • 11:45 Prasanth Sreekumar, Global Industry Development Manager for Gas, Endress + Hauser

    Title: How do you ensure the right technology for better control of hydrogen production and carbon capture?

    Energy transition and decarbonisation efforts are becoming a focal topic to achieve the ambitious climate target by the middle of this century. To support the clean energy transition many countries are implementing new policies, and investments are accelerating the multi-sectoral adoption of hydrogen as a preferred fuel source.

    Hydrogen production, storage, transportation and utilisation technologies have evolved over the years. Whether a reformer process with carbon capture for blue hydrogen, or production of green hydrogen from electrolysers; process control instrumentation plays a critical role. The correct technology ensures real time information from the field and tighter process control, thereby ensuring safe and efficient operation of the plant.
  • 12:05 Rob Duffin, Associate Director, Arup

    Presentation: NI Water Oxygen and Hydrogen Demonstrator Project

    NI Water are delivering a ground breaking concept to help kick start the hydrogen economy in Northern Ireland. The company has been awarded funding from the Department for the Economy (DfE) to undertake an innovative Oxygen and Hydrogen Demonstrator Project that will deploy a state-of-the-art, 1 Megawatt (MW) electrolyser at a major Wastewater Treatment Works. This will be the first in the UK and Ireland to demonstrate how electrolysis can help to increase processing capacity, reduce carbon emissions and improve flexibility in the electricity grid.
  • 12:25 James Watt, Hydrogen Lead, WSP

    Title: Infrastructure and the Hydrogen Economy.

    Content: The development of a Hydrogen economy will see significant challenges, changes, expansion and additions to current infrastructure. Whether a blue, green, pink/purple or mixed Hydrogen solution going forward there will be a need to consider the distribution of Hydrogen and its collection from production plants spread geographically but also to ensure that production has access to mutually supportive infrastructure whether power, hydrogen storage, water or CCUS transport and storage. WSP will be present some of those challenges and discuss potential solutions taken from recent Hydrogen production and cluster projects
  • 12:45 Q&A
  • 13:00 Lunch & Networking Break

Session 2 - CO2 & Energy Storage Infrastructure

With reducing the amount of CO2 being submitted into the atmosphere being a key fundamental of reducing your carbon footprint, we will look at how the UK’s current infrastructure is most suited to CO2 storage, the UK has plenty of offshore storage capabilities with its current North Sea infrastructure. We will also discuss the need for the UK to upgrade its current infrastructure to manage energy demand in an efficient way and the different opportunities the UK infrastructure has favorable energy storage options.


  • 14:00 Chairs opening address- Neil Goldin, Director Market Intelligence, EIC
  • 14:05 Alex Brabyn, Senior Process Engineer, Genesis, Technip Energies

    Title: CCS Facilities and CO2 Storage – A Challenging Inter-Relationship

    The selection of offshore sequestration sites is a complex topic covering multiple elements such as formation compatibility for CO2 storage, proximity to shore and/or existing infrastructure and potential commercial, environmental or regulatory drivers. In addition to these factors, the selection and type of storage site can have a significant impact on the surface infrastructure required to deliver the CO2 for sequestration and consequently the overall project economics. This presentation draws on Genesis’ varied experience in CCS projects to explore various different subsurface storage options and their impact on surface facilities design and wider development considerations across the CO2 value chain.

  • 14:25 Ana Gonzalez Hernandez, Director of Sustainability, Emerson Corporate

    Trapping Carbon Effectively, At Scale and In Time

    In this presentation, we will discuss how available technology, existing process expertise, and deployment experience can be leveraged to trap CO2 effectively, at scale and in time to meet society’s decarbonization commitments.
  • 14:45 Adam Wray-Summerson, Product and market development manager, Clarke Energy

    Hydrogen fuelled gas engines – flexible generation and decarbonising CHP
  • 15:05 Glynn Williams, Chief Executive Officer, Silixa

    Carina® CarbonSecure™ - Store More CO2 Safely.

    Silixa’s solution is a permanently installed, distributed sensing-based solution that allows a step change in the reduction of the cost of carbon capture and storage (CCS) monitoring. It is a proven solution with all components operating in the onshore and offshore environment.
  • 15:25 Q&A
  • 15:00 Coffee & Networking Break

Session Three

Session 3 - Business Case Investment Opportunities & Supply Chain and Work Force

As the Oil & Gas and Energy sector develops within the UK, the sectors will need to address the investment options to move projects to commercial scale and the supply chain and work force that will need to evolve to support this. This session will discuss what will be needed to support the ongoing developments within CCS/CCUS & hydrogen projects specially focusing on the investment opportunities.


  • 15:50 Investment Panel Discussion

    Tara Schmidt, Director of Sustainability & ESG Finance for Lloyds Bank

    Martyn Link, Chief Strategy Officer, Wood
  • 16:20 Supply Chain & Work Force Developments Panel Discussion

    Chris Claydon, Chief Executive, ECITB

    Joseph Weston, Business Development Manager, Hartree Centre Science and Technology Facilities Council

    Silvian Baltac, Principal Consultant, Element Energy
  • 17:00 End of Conference


All speakers are invited unless stated confirmed

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2nd UK CCUS & Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit: Innovation & Collaboration floor plan

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