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Please note: This event finished on 22 March 2023


“ Following several changes globally, the UK Government announced the 'British energy security strategy' builds on the Prime Minister's 'Ten-point plan for a green industrial revolution', and the 'Net zero strategy'. This plan has been produced to consider the rising global energy prices, provoked by surging demand after the pandemic as well as Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The UK are currently unable to control their energy prices and the need for a diverse source of homegrown energy is essential for decarbonisation and energy security in the long-term. ”

Following several changes globally, the UK Government announced the 'British energy security strategy' builds on the Prime Minister's 'Ten-point plan for a green industrial revolution', and the 'Net zero strategy'. This plan has been produced to consider the rising global energy prices, provoked by surging demand after the pandemic as well as Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The UK are currently unable to control their energy prices and the need for a diverse source of homegrown energy is essential for decarbonisation and energy security in the long-term.

The 4th UK CCUS & Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit will assess and review the opportunities within the UK Energy Sector and also consider how hydrogen can help the UK develop its own green energy source.  it will also consider how carbon capture storage & utilisation can decarbonise the energy intensive sectors while producing a carbon circular economy.

The 4th UK CCUS & Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit will focus on the projects and innovation around CCS,CCU within industrial operations and how hydrogen can decarbonise industry and transport. The summit will bring together 500+ government officials, regulators, key industry stake holders, leading academia and service companies.

Sessions One and Two

Session 1: UK Net Zero Strategy

With the energy prices at their highest and energy security uncertain, this session will assess the UK’s energy strategy to enhance energy security and accelerate decarbonisation across the energy intensive sectors and the biggest emissions of carbon.


  • 9:00 Chairs opening address: Neil Golding Director Market Intelligence, EIC - Energy Industries Council
  • 9:05 Ruth Herbert, Chief Executive, CCSA

    “The future of CCUS and hydrogen in the UK"
  • 9:25 Antony Green, Hydrogen Director, National Grid

    "A whole systems approach is required"

    Tony’s presentation will review the latest evidence for a whole systems approach being the right one to achieve net zero and ensure energy security. It’ll look at some of the key aspects of our energy strategy, our obligations for decarbonisation and the required infrastructure.
  • 9:45 Sally Prickett, Director Hydrogen Advisory Arup

    "Opportunity and Risks : A pivotal moment for the UK hydrogen economy"

    We are at a critical stage of hydrogen and CCS development in the UK. The Low Carbon Hydrogen Business Model, Electrolytic Allocation Round, Cluster Sequencing and Low Carbon Hydrogen Standard are creating a platform for investment to enable the UK’s hydrogen ambitions. However, the EU and US are also acting, and have the potential to draw investment away from the UK. Sally’s talk will focus on the need for a sector wide approach to overcome key challenges and maintain development pace. She will discuss how Arup is helping public and private sector clients solve these problems and enable co-ordination within H2 and CCS as well as the broader energy system.
  • 10:05 Marcos Matijasevich, Head of Low Carbon Transition, Essar

    "Decarbonising the UK Downstream Sector this Decade"

    Marcos' presentation will discuss the journey towards decarbonising the UK downstream sector this decade. With particular focus on the progress Essar will make to achieve 75% decarbonisation through carbon capture, energy efficiency, fuel switching and hydrogen to produce the low carbon fuels of the future.
  • 10:25 Dan Sadler, Vice President Low Carbon Solutions, Equinor

    "Equinor’s UK Low Carbon Portfolio"

    An overview of Equinor’s global low carbon activities deep diving on the UK and our integrated CCS and Blue/Green hydrogen ambitions. Also covering the need to maintain the momentum in the face of growing international competition’
  • 10:45 Andrew Barron, Chair of Low Carbon Energy and Environment, ESRI

    " TRL Jumping and a New Approach for Industry to De-Risk Technology Adoption "
  • 11:05 Q&A
  • 11:15 Coffee & Networking Break

Session 2: Energy Transition & Demand

Within this session we will explore the demand for cleaner energy to ensure the UK is on track to hit its next set of zero targets. We will discuss the different energy vectors that are available and where they are best placed to ensure industrial decarbonisation. We will also review the ongoing energy demand and review the different options available for energy transition.


  • 11:55 Chris Gilbert, Humber Decarbonization Projects Manager, Phillips 66

    "Refinery of the Future"

    The Phillips 66 Limited Humber Refinery has an ambition to build a thriving, lower carbon business platform by leveraging existing capabilities and advancing investments in new energy technologies. The refinery produces lower carbon road fuels and is the UK’s only refinery to supply sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) at scale. Additionally, the refinery is Europe’s only producer of specialty graphite coke used in lithium-ion batteries. These are the same high-performance batteries that power electric vehicles and consumer electronics. As part of the transition to The Refinery of the Future, the refinery is part of Humber Zero, a world-scale carbon capture project, and Gigastack, one of the UK’s largest electrolytic hydrogen projects, which aims to harness offshore wind to produce hydrogen to refuel some of the refinery’s large industrial heaters.
  • 12:15 Adam Wray-Summerson, Head of Sustainable Solutions & Resilience, Clarke Energy

    "Carbon Capture in Reciprocating Gas Engine Applications"

    In this presentation, Adam Wray-Summerson, Head of Sustainable Solutions at Clarke Energy, will discuss some of the practical benefits and uses for carbon capture in reciprocating gas engine applications.
  • 12:35 Q&A
  • 12:40 Energy Transition & Demand Panel discussion

    Moderator: Willie Reid, Director, University of Strathclyde Offshore Energy Transition Programme

    Spence Seaman, Climate change manager/ co-ordinator, Environment Agency

    Nick McDonald, Partner, Pinsent Masons

    Steve Saunders, Director, Arup

    Dr Chris Robinson, Industrial Decarbonisation Project Manager Tees Valley Combined Authority
  • 13:10 Lunch & Networking

    Pinsent Masons’ Roundtable:

    “Growing the CCUS & Low-Carbon Hydrogen Supply Chains in the UK”

    • How do we ensure sufficient Supply Chain capacity to deliver on the UK’s CCUS & LCH programmes?
    • What lessons learnt from CCUS Track-1 should be addressed for Track-2?
    • What lessons learnt from Electrolytic Hydrogen Allocation Round 1, that should be addressed for Round 2?

    Hosted by Stacey Collins, Partner, Decarbonisation & Energy Transition and Ronan Lambe, Partner, Regulatory and Financial Support

Sessions Three and Four

Session 3: Projects In CCS & CCU

With several active projects now covering Scotland, Northwest, South Wales and the Northeast. This session we will be looking at Case Studies from each of the leading projects across the UK. it will also discuss the developments over the last 12 months and what the next steps should be to move projects forward.


  • 14:10 Chairs opening address: Neil Golding, Director, Market Intelligence, EIC - Energy Industries Council
  • 14:15 Shaun Heelbeck, Business Development Director – Energy, Costain

    “Delivering a Net Zero Teesside”

    The East Coast Cluster is a key part of the Industrial Cluster decarbonisation programme, transporting CO2 from an onshore emitters network across Teesside and Humber regions to offshore storage in the North Sea. Costain are helping realise this ambition, through a delivery team consisting of local resource underpinned by national expertise to deliver the Outside Battery Limits (OSBL) CO2 and Natural Gas gathering pipelines FEED for the Teesside region. We will outline our highlights and key challenges to date.
  • 14:35 Ahmed Saleh, Senior Process Mechanical Engineer, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

    "Upscaling Second Generation Carbon Capture Solvent: A Case Study for MHI KM CDR Process TM"

    KM CDR process TM is an advanced carbon capture process which has been jointly developed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) and Kansai Electric Power since 30 years. The technology is based on proprietary solvents KS-1TM/KS-21TM and novel patented process that consumes lower energy and has better performance and economics compared to conventional MEA solvent. KM CDR Process TM has been applied in over 13 large scale commercial plants with continuous improvement for solvent and process performance under several applications and flue gas conditions using Pilot testing in several locations. The process also includes an option to add emissions reduction system which can be used in several application where high solvent emissions are expected.
  • 14:55 Flora Davies, CR Plus, SWIC Cluster Plan Project Manager.

    “The South Wales Industrial Cluster and its route to net zero”

  • 15:10 Jim Woodger, Managing Director, LanzaTech UK Ltd

    “Becoming CarbonSmart: A New Circular Carbon Economy from Wales”

    LanzaTech transforms carbon liabilities from diverse industrial waste streams into valuable products though gas fermentation. The novel biological technology uses a biocatalyst (bacteria) to turn carbon oxides into ethanol. A second alcohol to jet technology then turns the ethanol into sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and small amounts of renewable diesel. At Port Talbot, LanzaTech ‘s Project Dragon is finalizing the detailed engineering design and securing the required permits to build the world’s first integrated facility to turn waste industrial gases from the steel mill into SAF and chemicals. The presentation will outline the technical, commercial and regulatory challenges of this first-of-a kind project, within the South Wales Industrial Cluster (SWIC), that will bring circular carbon to consumer markets.
  • 15:25 Lisa Sweeney, UK&I Amine Champion, Veolia

    "Optimising Amine Based Carbon Capture Operations"

    • Veolia Water Technologies and Solutions mobile and fixed Electrodialysis (ED) Systems services, for the removal of
    Heat Stable Amine Salts.
    • Max-amine Technology to reduce Amine consumption, increase unit reliability and reduce energy consumption.
    • Technical Support including engineering consultancy, simulations and analysis.
  • 15:45 Q&A
  • 15:55 Coffee & Networking Break
  • 16:10 Andy Kirchin, Director Subsurface Low-Carbon Solutions, RPS

    "Delivering CCS - A key pillar in the transition to a low-carbon economy"

    This talk will look at the key stage gates in delivering successful CCS Projects and provide some examples of the sort of work that needs to be done at each stage. It will focus on three or four case studies, highlighting the type of questions that need to be asked and/or considered to reduce both the risk and uncertainty associated with the timing and outcome of any given project.
  • 16:30 Neil Jackson, Oil & Gas Industry Manager, Endress+Hauser

    "Improving the safety and efficiency of hydrogen and CCUS processes & transportation with the right instrumentation."

    Endress+Hauser is a global supplier of process automation solutions. In this presentation we discuss how our process-critical instrumentation and solutions can help you to safely, optimise your plant operations, meet your regulatory requirements and achieve net zero sooner.
  • 16:50 Q&A

Session 4: Investment Opportunities & Skilled Workforce

With the UK government already committed to spending billions of GBP on decarbonisation projects, this session will review the need and opportunity for private capital investment for more projects to move forward. Also, with more major projects moving forward not just within the energy sector we will review the challenges project leads will have to ensure that there will be skilled workforce and supply chain available.


  • 17:00 The need for private investment in the green industrial revolution panel discussion

    Moderator, Stephen Price, Investment Director, Clean Growth Fund

    Tom White, CEO, C-Capture

    Amy Wong, Head of Energy Research EMEA, Credit Suisse

    Leonidas Papanikolaou, Senior Head of Bespoke and New Schemes, Low Carbon Contracts Company

    Emily Martin, ESG Finance Director for Infrastructure, Energy & Industrials, Lloyd Banking Group

    Emily Sidhu, Director in the Banking and Investment Team, UK Infrastructure Bank
  • 17:35 How to attract and up skill the future workforce?

    Moderator, Alix Thom, Workforce Engagement & Skills Manager, Offshore Energies UK

    Joe Howe, Executive Director, Thornton Energy Institute, University of Chester

    David Talbot, CEO, CATCH

    Tim Roff, Technical Lead-New Energy Infrastructure, United Living

    Martin Hottass, Corporate Development Director, 3t Energy Group

    Chris Barron, Chair, Decarbonised Gas Alliance

  • 18:05 Evening Network Reception
  • 20:00 End of Day 1

Sessions One and Two

Session 1: Hydrogen Production & Projects

With the UK needing to ensure its own homegrown energy for the future this session will review the different green hydrogen production projects across the UK. Also, with the hydrogen rainbow colour spectrum in place we will also look at the different ways to produce hydrogen.


  • 8:00 Alberta – UK Breakfast Roundtable:

    Meet with a trade delegation of industry leaders to discuss hydrogen and CCUS projects and opportunities in Alberta, Canada. Industry leaders, UK and Canadian federal as well as provincial government representatives, and dedicated business associations will be presenting the Province of Alberta’s hydrogen and CCUS ecosystem and potential opportunities for UK companies to participate in it. Limited space.

    8:00-9:00 am

    Register your interest via email: kaitlin.boyd@fcdo.gov.uk

  • 9:05 Chairs opening address: Brett Ryan, Head of Policy and Analysis, Hydrogen UK
  • 9:10 Michael Foley, UK Low Carbon Solutions Venture Executive, ExxonMobil

    "Opportunities for low carbon investment in the UK"

    The energy transition is an exciting growth prospect for the UK. Large scale investment is required in energy and industrial infrastructure over the coming decades in order to meet our stated climate ambitions. Whilst the UK is seen as a leader in many aspects of decarbonisation, and has already achieved significant milestones in some sectors, further opportunities exist to cement the UK as a global leader in hard to decarbonise sectors such as industrial decarbonisation and heavy transport. ExxonMobil plans to play a leading role in the energy transition, providing affordable and reliable energy, reducing emissions from its operations and growing opportunities in hydrogen, CCS and biofuels.
  • 9:30 Colin Robinson, UK Business Manager, Evides Industriewater

    "Getting water to Holland Hydrogen 1"

    Europe’s first large scale Green Hydrogen Plant also called for Europe’s first large scale Green Hydrogen Water Supply Agreement. Find out how plug and play infrastructure in the Port of Rotterdam is enabling the acceleration of Hydrogen projects in the Netherlands and how the UK industrial clusters can benefit from this way of thinking.
  • 9:50 Guy Phillips, Team Lead Business Development Hydrogen UK, Uniper Energy

    "Uniper's low carbon hydrogen production projects"

    An overview of Uniper's low carbon hydrogen production development projects
  • 10:10 Adish Jain, Director, Process Technology, & Samantha Nicholson, Process Engineering Manager and Fellow, Fluor

    "Carbon Capture in Large Scale Hydrogen Plant using Physical Solvent"

    Recently, several large-scale blue hydrogen manufacturing units have been announced. These plan to utilise technology options such as Autothermal or Partial Oxidation due to their lower carbon footprint with the ability to achieve significantly higher production capacities in a single process train. The design of associated carbon capture process with conventional chemical based solvent in a single train is challenging due to the size of the low pressure regeneration and associated reboilers. This difficulty can be overcome with the use of a physical solvent, such as propylene carbonate as an alternative, well proven in carbon capture applications. The propylene carbonate solvent loading is a function of CO2 partial pressure and solvent can be regenerated by simple flashes without any need of a regenerator column, reboilers or steam. With customized configuration, the process is capable of producing 99 mol% pure CO2 at 99% CO2 recovery. A design check for a single train CO2 capture capacity of 4 million tons per annum has been carried out and, should the requirement arise, even higher single train CO2 capture capacities are possible.
  • 10:30 Hannah Brownin, Director of Business Development, SSE

    "Unlocking the Hydrogen Value Chain"
  • 10:50 Q&A
  • 11:00 Coffee & Networking Break
  • 11:45 David Parkin, Project Director, HyNet

    ‘HyNet – Moving a Track 1 cluster into project execution’
  • 12:00 Richard Holden, Project Manager for the first Hydrogen Production Plant, Vertex

    "Vertex - developing a 1,000MW+ UK hydrogen project”

    Vertex is a leading hydrogen production project in the UK - update on progress and plans

  • 12:15 James Watt, Hydrogen/CCUS Consultant, WSP

    “Key trends in Hydrogen developments”

    WSP is currently delivering Hydrogen projects across the globe from underground gas storage through production, pipelines and integrated schemes. Some of these projects have common trends and themes that are key learning points for developments and the sector going forward. WSP will discuss some of the key trends in these projects touching on development, resource and supply chain challenges and some of the key learning points we have experienced in the sector. We will discuss the relationship between CCCS and Hydrogen, particularly around industrial clusters and CCS enabled low carbon power producers and some of the common issues in CCS and hydrogen infrastructure. Finally we will discuss the key issues around communication and planning as well as the integration of storage to ensure that we have a working hydrogen system.

  • 12:35 Alan Acquatella, Pipeline & New Energies Infrastructure Segment Leader, Schneider Electric

    “UK CCUS & Hydrogen Project Challenges and How to Overcome Them”

    Alan will begin by reviewing the challenges of UK CCUS & Hydrogen projects.
    Case studies will then be presented to illustrate the available solutions across the different phases of a typical project.
    This will include approaches to reducing CAPEX risk, optimising OPEX and operations and achieving end to end digitization by enabling a meaningful Digital Twin for the lifetime of the asset, thus getting the best TOTEX value on your investment.
  • 12:55 Q&A
  • 13:05 Lunch & Networking

    DWF Roundtable "How to de-risk CCUS and hydrogen development in the UK"
    Following the publication of our report 'Creating a Market for Hydrogen' last year and our new market report 'Has the time come to scale-up CCUS?, we will be hosting a round table to discuss the key challenges facing the CCUS and hydrogen markets, from policy and legislation through to funding, bankability and development, and assessing the emerging routes to market.

    Hosted by Darren Walsh, Partner , Global Head of Energy and Natural Resources & Andrew Batterton, Partner

    Invitation only
  • 14:05 Chairs opening address: Brett Ryan, Head of Policy and Analysis, Hydrogen UK
  • 14:10 Steve Hill Global Development Director Hydrogen, Bilfinger

    “Hydrogen: Can it shed its colourful past and pave the way for a greener future?”

    The presentation will explore how we use and produce Hydrogen currently; the complementary offerings we can include to make the projects more attractive, such as CO2 sequestration and H2Dry. Finally, a glimpse into the future, looking at which technologies might offer the lowest cost per kg and hence make Hydrogen a viable economic alternative to legacy hydrocarbons, helping us to achieve 2030 and 2050 NetZero targets.
  • 14:30 Paul Rose, Regional Development Manager, SGN

    "Delivering a system transformation of the Southern Gas Networks"

    Overview of SGN’s decarbonisation strategy which aims to enable the conversion of the Gas Networks to 100% Hydrogen and stimulate the Hydrogen economy.
  • 14:50 Stu Baker, Project Director, Solent Cluster

    "Beyond Decarbonisation"

    How the Solent Cluster's unique membership profile represents an opportunity to benefit communities, industry and commercial sectors
  • 15:10 Q&A
  • 15:20 Coffee & Networking Break

Session 2: Hydrogen Infrastructure Storage & Transportation

With the UK government backing hydrogen as the fuel of the future to ensure the UK’s energy security strategy, this session will look at what storage options are available and discuss the different hydrogen blending options. The session will also look at the opportunities with exportation and importation of liquified hydrogen or ammonia


  • 15:35 Gareth Edwards, Associate, Arup

    "H100 Fife – Green hydrogen production and storage to supply the world’s first 100% hydrogen-to-homes heating network."

    Gareth’s presentation will look at the H100 Fife project, which is a first of its kind to directly supply clean power to produce hydrogen gas for domestic heating as a green alternative to natural gas. The SGN project supported by Arup, aims to supply green hydrogen to a dedicated SGN hydrogen network that will heat initially around 300 local homes using clean gas produced by a dedicated electrolysis plant, powered by a nearby offshore wind turbine. The talk will discuss the collaboration between SGN, Arup and Electrolyser supplier NEL during the design phase to ensure successful delivery of the world leading project.
  • 15:55 Stuart Turl, Business Development Director Energy Transition EMEA Wood

    “Hydrogen Pipelines – New and Repurposed Infrastructure”.

    “Wood will be presenting on the main technical challenges associated with hydrogen transportation through pipelines for both repurposed and new infrastructure, covering 100% hydrogen and hydrogen enriched natural gas (blends). Supply chain readiness for hydrogen pipelines, and the main solutions being implemented on current hydrogen transportation projects will be discussed.”
  • 16:15 Tara Vyas, Hydrogen and Renewables Analyst, Centrica & Chris Wright, Hydrogen Senior Development Manager, Centrica

    "Understanding the importance of hydrogen storage from a whole systems perspective"

    Under any scenario consistent with UK decarbonisation targets, there is likely to be a significant need for hydrogen storage. In this presentation, Centrica will showcase its plans to convert the UK's largest natural gas storage facility into a hydrogen store and discuss its role in balancing electricity supply and demand. Finally, Centrica will also explore how international ammonia imports can provide a solution for supplying hydrogen to locations with constrained pipeline and storage infrastructure.

  • 16:35 Greg Caldwell, Director, Utility Hydrogen Strategy, ATCO Gas

    "An overview of hydrogen storage requirements and costs to move ATCO’s gas network over to hydrogen"
  • 16:55 Q&A
  • 17:05 End of Conference


All speakers are invited unless stated confirmed

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