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Please note: This event finished on 05 May 2022

The 3rd UK CCUS & Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit will showcase how carbon capture storage (CCS), carbon capture utilisation storage (CCUS) and hydrogen can decarbonise the energy intensive sectors and transport


“ With COVID-19 having a global impact on the whole economy and the way many businesses operate, climate change has never become more paramount. Every industry now understands that they need to reduce their carbon footprint. We have seen the super Oil & Gas majors now transition into Energy companies as they have seen the need to diversify their portfolio to meet the worlds energy demands. We have seen Steel & Cement manufacturers commit to be net zero by 2050. The energy intensive sector is now on their decarbonisation journey ”

With COVID-19 having a global impact on the whole economy and the way many businesses operate,
climate change has never become more paramount. Every industry now understands that they need
to reduce their carbon footprint. We have seen the super Oil & Gas majors now transition into
Energy companies as they have seen the need to diversify their portfolio to meet the worlds energy
demands. We have seen Steel & Cement manufacturers commit to be net zero by 2050. The energy
intensive sector is now on their decarbonisation journey.

The 3rd UK CCUS & Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit will showcase how carbon capture storage
(CCS), carbon capture utilisation storage (CCUS) and hydrogen can decarbonise the energy intensive
sectors and transport.

The 3rd UK CCUS & Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit will focus on the implementation of CCS,
CCUS within industrial operations and how hydrogen can decarbonise industry and transport, the
summit will bring together 400+ government officials, regulators, key industry stake holders, leading
academia and service companies.

Sessions One and Two

UK Policy & Net Zero Strategy

In November World Leaders will come together to discuss how the world needs to decarbonise to ensure we hit our Net Zero targets. This session will discuss the deliverables and commitments agreed within COP26 and UK government updated energy policies.


  • 9:25 Chairs Opening Address
    Ruth Herbert, Chief Executive, CCSA
  • 9:30 Luca Corradi, Innovation Network Director, Net Zero Technology Centre

    "Technology innovation: the opportunity for the UK’s upstream transition"

    Technology Innovation is a critical enabler to reduce the cost, maximise the value for the domestic Supply Chain and therefore ensure a just transition for the upstream industry .

  • 9:50 Sean Pruce, Deputy Director, Environment & Business, Regulated Industry, Environment Agency

    "The regulatory contribution that’s enabling UK net zero"

    The regulatory landscape is changing in reaction to the expected intensive deployment of low and zero carbon technologies. Hear the challenges, opportunities, and regulatory changes that will support development while protecting and enhancing the environment. Deployments may be constrained by environmental limits, what will this mean for industrial clusters?. How are we enabling UK net zero through the production of best available techniques guides for hydrogen and carbon capture, and what is planned for Decarbonisation Ready?.
  • 10:10 Andrew Barron, Chair of Low Carbon Energy and Environment, ESRI

    "Carbon negative hydrogen generation as part of a holistic approach to industrial decarbonization "

    With less than 30 years to achieve Net Zero emissions it is too late for more research. Now, is the time to deploy at scale on industrial locations to demonstrate technology and de-risk with regard economic viability, system integration, operational safety, and social acceptance. Furthermore, there needs to be a holistic approach that considers the waste and emissions, as well as materials and energy needs of a region (or country) as a whole, instead of the individual parts. Such a development must have a mutually beneficial relationship between different stakeholders (the integration of heavy industry with agriculture, healthcare, tourism, and domestic residence). The Reducing Industrial Carbon Emissions (RICE) project is an example of the ‘dress rehearsal’ for such an approach, within which a new process is discussed for carbon negative hydrogen generation. The chemistry of the process, time scale of reactions and plans for full commercial generation of 4 high value products with an aggregate value of $700 per ton of steel waste suggest that in the future green hydrogen can be co-generated with carbon capture and waster re-use. It is proposed that this large-scale process could be used as a key component in decarbonization of steel production in combination with lowering financial liability of current end legacy steel production facilities worldwide
  • 10:30 Will Lochhead, Deputy Director, Head of Industrial Carbon Capture and Hydrogen Business Models BEIS

    "Unlocking investment in hydrogen production and industrial carbon capture: designing new business model to drive deployment "

    The development of investable business models for carbon capture and hydrogen is an essential starting point for realising Government's CCUS and hydrogen ambitions, and not least for achieving legally binding net zero targets. Working closely with industry, policy officials are working at pace to design and deliver the revenue support mechanisms that will help to transform the industrial emissions landscape in the UK.

  • 10:50 Q& A
  • 11:00 Coffee & Networking Break

End User Implementation of CCS or CCUS

With CCS and CCUS playing an important role in reducing carbon emissions in the power sector, CCS is the only current option to substantially decarbonise emissions intensive sectors. This session will discuss how these technologies can play to decarbonise industry; you will hear from end users on how they plan to utilise these technologies to reduce their carbon emis


  • 11:45 Chair: Clare Jackson, Director, Hydrogen UK
  • 11:45 Luke Warren, H2 & CCS External Adviser, bp

    "Delivering low carbon hydrogen for Teesside and the UK"

    An introduction to bp’s hydrogen projects on Teesside, including H2Teesside, bp’s world-scale hydrogen project that aims to produce 1GW of CCUS-enabled blue hydrogen and start-up in 2027.

  • 12:05 Dr. Shelagh Baines, Sustainability Practice Lead, Halliburton Consulting

    "Technologies for carbon transport and storage: the advantage of early collaboration"

    European energy supply and industry need to transform to reach net zero targets over the next decade. CCUS is a key solution to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. However, despite the abundance of identified potential sites, there are not enough large-scale projects in the development pipeline, and none are operational in Europe. Projects are being operated by a mix of energy companies and new players who do not have the same experience with offshore and subsurface. New technologies and ways of working will be needed to rapidly accelerate deployment of this crucial technology. How can service companies facilitate the development of these projects?
    Current T&S project development is slow. Technology choices and approaches can be a blocker to faster development. Creating a storage development plan requires significant in-depth study, taking a “fail fast” approach to initial assessment limits time spent progressing non-feasible options. This requires considering technology from the start, so that no development options are ruled out by early decisions. This ensures that the planning process is cost-effective and efficient. Early collaboration across all players involved in a project also ensures technology design and testing meets project needs and is ready when needed for deployment. Service companies can also fulfil competency gaps through extensive experience handling and injecting CO2. By taking a more collaborative approach from the inception of a T&S project, the value-add of all competent players can be leveraged to accelerate the progress of CCS in Europe.
  • 12:25 Fergus Tickell , Industrial Clusters and Business Development Lead, SGN

    "An accelerated hydrogen pathway for Scotland"

    Last year, the Scottish Government set a target to have 1 million homes converted to zero emissions heating systems by 2030. Gas distribution network SGN have since been investigating how large parts of the gas network can be converted to 100% hydrogen to support the Scottish Government’s targets. Fergus will provide an overview of the work SGN has undertaken to explore the potential for hydrogen to decarbonise a number of sectors and more widely, how the company intends to create a hydrogen vision for Scotland.

  • 12:45 Ian Hibbit, Business Development Manager Industrial Decarbonisation & Applications, BOC

    "Industry must prepare for CCUS and Hydrogen now, or face the consequences"

    In the current climate of volatile energy prices some industries have been switching back to oil, reflecting their desperation in the face of huge price rises and the knock-on impact this has for high energy intensity industries. This short-term switching from one fossil fuel – never mind the climate change implications – will soon be impossible as the carbon price will catch up with the industries taking up this opportunity. Today’s energy carbon bills will get higher, as this is the mechanism that the government has chosen to get industry to change to a low carbon future. The free allowances will decline, and the carbon price will increase.

    So what must high carbon intensity industries – such as glass making – do? Conventional thinking is that in future industries will choose one option going forward: electrification; fuel switching; or CCUS. But many industries will have to adopt two or three of these options to mitigate the impact of the carbon price and fuel costs.

    Ian Hibbitt, Business Development Manager Industrial Decarbonisation & Applications, at BOC, an industry leader in industrial decarbonisation, argues that UK industry must make changes today to make ready for CCUS and hydrogen. If hydrogen becomes available at scale the combustion of hydrogen will require greater efficiency to offset the higher cost. In high carbon intense industries process optimisation will be required to be ready for carbon capture plants. For a process industry to be ready they should analyse the processes they undertake and even undertake trials to prove that the change will have the impact expected and no unintended consequences become evident. In short, they will become informed buyers of the technologies available to them. Thus, reducing the risk of change to the core processes that they operate. Ian will set out exactly what such companies can do now in his presentation at the 3rd UK CCUS & Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit, and outline how BOC can help industries adapt in the face of these unprecedented challenges.
  • 13:05 Q&A
  • 13:15 Lunch & Networking
  • 14:15 Chairs Opening Address: Clare Jackson, Director, Hydrogen UK
  • 14:20 James Watt, Hydrogen & CCUS Consultant, WSP

    “Future deployments in Hydrogen and CCUS "

    The future decarbonisation of industry, heating and power relies on the deployment of infrastructure, capability and supply chains for CCUS and Hydrogen, with additional impacts on existing services, in parallel. How the technologies deploys is highly interlinked and needs to expand beyond the clusters to non-cluster emitters, to consider shipping and new emerging demands. This will enable users to have the ability to choose the most economic solution for them, rather than solutions being forced. WSP will discuss some of those challenges from our work on decarbonisation with examples from our work in Hydrogen and CCS.

  • 14:40 Dr Chris Williams, Head of Industrial Decarbonisation, Industry Wales

    “ The Developing South Wales Industrial Cluster”
  • 15:00 David Phillips, Head of UK and Investor Relations, Aker Carbon Capture

    “Norwegian roots, global prospects: Our CCUS journey from ‘lab to market’”

    From both our own experience, and the impact from major events like COP26, it is clear that carbon capture is recognised firmly as one of the cornerstone technologies to decarbonize the industrial world. And momentum is building, as many industries accelerate their plans to reduce emissions, helped by continued policy support, carbon emissions pricing and corporate net zero ambitions. At Aker Carbon Capture, our near-two decades of experience in developing – with key academic and industrial partners – technology, engineering and facilities with carbon capture is positioning us to play an active role in helping deploy CCUS across multiple industries. Our conference presentation will cover our “lab to market” journey – from technology development to the real-life projects we are now working to deliver in Norway, Europe, and the United Kingdom.

  • 15:20 Dr Gerry Farrow, SVP Head of Carbon Capture & Storage Business Development, Aker Solutions

    "Carbon Capture & Storage: Part of the Solution"

    Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) has been identified as a key abatement technology for achieving a significant reduction in CO2 emissions. In CCS projects, CO2 is separated and captured from the different sources, compressed, conditioned, transported and injected underground for permanent storage. Capture technologies have been continuously developed, tested, and implemented in commercial projects throughout the years to increase its capture efficiency and reduce the costs.

    Since the 1990s, Aker Solutions has been the pioneering engineering company to deliver CCS projects. Our track record dates back to the Sleipner West platform delivery, the world’s first commercial CCS offshore project and most recently, we have involved in all phases of the Norwegian government’s Longship project, the world’s first project for establishing full-scale CO2 capture, transport and storage facilities.

  • 15:40 Q&A
  • 15:50 Coffee & Networking Break

Session Three

Financing & Economical Developments Skilled Workforce and Supply Chain Exportation Opportunities

Within the UK Government 10-point plan, the government have pledged to mobilise 12 billion of government investment to tackle UK emissions. This session will discuss what additional funding is needed to support current and new projects. We will discuss the different public and private partnerships and direct investment needed from financiers to move more projects forward. Within this session we will also review the need to upgrade our skilled workforce to keep up with project demands.


  • 15:45 Financing operations panel discussion

    Tara Schmidt, Director of ESG & Sustainability, Lloyds Banking Group

    Rob Dale, Founder & Director, Beyond2050
  • 16:20 Skilled Workforce & Exportation Panel Discussion

    Joseph Howe, Executive Director, Thornton Energy Institute, University of Chester

    Ruth Herbert, Chief Executive, Carbon Capture & Storage Association

    Ian McCluskey, Head of Technical, IGEM

    Will Webster, Energy Policy Manager, Offshore Energies UK

  • 17:00 Evening Drinks & Network Reception
  • 19:30 End of Day 1

Sessions One and Two

End User Implementation of Hydrogen

Hydrogen has been labelled as the fuel of the future and will become our main energy source as we transition to net zero. This session will discuss how the different types of hydrogen on the hydrogen rainbow spectrum and how it can help decarbonise the industrial, transport and aviation sector.


  • 9:25 Chairs Opening Address:
    Brett Ryan, Head of Policy and Analysis, Hydrogen UK
  • 9:30 Guy Phillips, Senior Business Development Manager – H2, Uniper Energy

    “The need for collaboration on hydrogen end use”

    An example of the importance of end to end collaboration, from production through to end use, in the deployment of low carbon hydrogen, with reference to the Project Mayflower feasibility study, funded under the Department of Transport’s Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition.
  • 9:50 Colin Robinson, UK Business Manager, Evides

    "The role of water in low carbon industrial clusters"

    Evides Industriewater own and manage the industrial water networks for Europe’s largest industrial clusters and are therefore at the forefront of the decarbonisation agenda. Decarbonisation will increase water demand across industrial clusters for a number of reasons and in particular where water is already in short supply without careful planning and the implementation of sustainable water practices then clusters face a very real risk that water supply could introduce an unforeseen bottleneck to our ambitious net zero strategies. Evides will present their current areas of innovation into water reuse and recycling that we believe should be implemented into cluster decarbonisation strategies.

  • 10:10 Hannah Bronwin, Director of Business Development, SSE

    "Hydrogen in power: flexibility for the future"

    : With hydrogen featuring heavily in the UK’s new Energy Security Strategy, it’s clear the fuel will play a critical role in our transition to net zero. Together, SSE Thermal and Equinor are developing two first-of-a-kind hydrogen projects in the Humber, the UK’s most carbon-emitting industrial cluster. These projects – at Keadby and Aldbrough – will help secure large-scale demand for hydrogen in the region, supporting the decarbonisation of power and other hard to reach sectors.

  • 10:30 Dr. Thorsten Arnhold, Vice President Technology, R. Stahl

    " EX – Citing future for hydrogen"

    This presentation highlights the explosive nature of Hydrogen and introduces application specific IEC standards that are designed to ensure explosion risks are minimised.
  • 10:50 Q&A
  • 11:00 Coffee & Networking Session
  • 11:45 Klim MacKenzie, Associate Director Energy Transition, Aecom

    "Implementation of Hydrogen at Industrial Sites"

    Overview of the technical, safety and regulatory barriers to conversion of industrial sites from natural gas to hydrogen.
  • 12:05 Prasanth Sreekumar, Global Industry Development Manager for Gas, Endress + Hauser

    “Tackling the measurement and control of hydrogen production and carbon capture processes”

    Energy transition and decarbonization are essential to achieve the ambitious climate target by the middle of the century. To support the clean energy, transition many countries are implementing new policies and investments are accelerating the multi sectoral adoption of hydrogen as a preferred fuel source and decarbonizing other industrial processes and power generation through carbon capture and storage technologies.

    E+H have many years of experience of supplying a wide range of process control instrumentation, installed on critical Hydrogen production plants and on carbon capture, storage, and transportation facilities around the world. Whether it is a reformer process with carbon capture for blue hydrogen or production of green hydrogen from electrolyzers, instrumentation plays a critical role. The correct measurement technology ensures real time information from the field and tighter process control thereby ensuring safe and efficient operation of the plant.

  • 12:25 David Watson, Head of Energy Transition, Cadent Gas

    “How do we get hydrogen working?”

    David will share his views on the steps we need to take in order to unlock hydrogen and ensure it can play a meaningful role in delivering the transition to net zero here in the UK
  • 12:45 Paul Wann, Sustainability and Decarbonisation Business Director, UK & Ireland, Emerson

    "Addressing the Challenges of Measuring Hydrogen Flow in Vehicle Filling Systems"
  • 13:05 Q&A
  • 13:15 Lunch & Networking

Pipeline & Port Infrastructure

This session will discuss the need for an upgraded pipeline infrastructure to enable CCS storage from onshore to offshore. The upgrading of the port infrastructure for the export and import of liquid hydrogen or ammonia and the additional pipelines and infrastructure needed for hydrogen


  • 14:15 Chairs Opening Address:
    Brett Ryan, Head of Policy and Analysis, Hydrogen UK
  • 14:20 Dan Sadler, UK Low Carbon Strategy Director, Equinor

    “Hydrogen transmission – the necessity to build the Hydrogen market”
  • 14:40 Jane Atkinson CBE, Executive Director - Engineering and Automation, Bilfinger

    "Delivering the Building Blocks for a Sustainable Future"

    Bilfinger has extensive experience in the Energy sector, providing fully integrated, multi disciplinary solutions through the lifecycle of an asset. Acting as an intelligent construction partner, Bilfinger are able to offer consultancy, design, engineering, manufacturing, assembly, construction, operations and maintenance for the energy transition market. We are now delivering the building blocks to a sustainable future through module design and construction. This presentation will identify the many advantages to adopting this approach including improved safety performance, reducing critical path and lowering project costs.
  • 15:00 Max Brouwers, Chief Business Development Officer, Getech

    Driving down the price of green hydrogen in the UK

    At its core, producing green hydrogen is a simple process: apply a DC current to water and it splits into its constituent elements (oxygen and hydrogen). Water in the UK is relatively abundant and cheap, so the key significant operational expense is the input electricity. In the UK, before the energy crisis, grid electricity cost about £120/MWh; today it hovers around £300/MWh. By comparison, direct wire solar mega projects in equatorial countries can deliver power for less than £10/MWh. Even accounting for desalination and transport costs, green hydrogen produced overseas will inevitably drive down prices in the UK and Europe as bulk volume is shipped to these markets. Transporting hydrogen as ammonia offers a route to cost effectively import bulk shipments of clean fuel into the UK and European markets – a concept that H2 Green and Shoreham Port are jointly exploring.
  • 15:20 Laura Wood, Business Development Manager, Associated British Ports

    ‘How can port development support economic growth in the journey to net zero?’

    The ports sector is critical to the UK economy, facilitating 95% of our global trade and representing £500 billion in value every year.
    ABP is the UK’s leading port owner and operator, facilitating trade and providing access to international markets, playing an important role in supporting over 120,000 billion jobs up and down the country in critical sectors such as chemical manufacturing, automotive and pharmaceutical.
    Ports are also critical to powering the green economy and ABP are playing a vital role in the UK’s journey to net zero. This presentation will discuss how the redevelopment and investment in ports can help to deliver the UKs decarbonisation goals and economic growth plans. It will also explore key challenges and discuss how collaboration is key to removing barriers and unlocking this potential.
  • 15:40 Q&A
  • 15:50 Coffee & Networking Break

Session Three

Hydrogen Grid & Storage Infrastructure

Within this session we will discuss how our National Grid needs to be upgraded to incorporate hydrogen, there have been successful trials in Leeds and within Keele University. We will discuss the challenges and technologies and infrastructure that is needed for the implementation of hydrogen into the national grid. We will also review the options for hydrogen storage and how it can be controlled at high and low energy demands.


  • 16:05 Lloyd Mitchell, Hydrogen Engineering Lead, National Grid

    ‘Hydrogen Conversion of the National Transmission System’

    Converting the UK’s National Tranmission System from natural gas to hydrogen will provide a low cost pathway to decarbonisation of UK heat, power and industry. FutureGrid and Project Union are tackling the technical and logistical challenges to make this a reality.
  • 16:25 Robert Beresford, Process Technical Authority, Costain &
    Richard Stevenson, Project Manager, INOVYN

    "Hydrogen storage in the Holford brinefields"

    Keuper Gas Storage Limited are developing a new hydrogen storage facility in the Holford brinefields, which currently provide around half of the UK natural gas storage. Salt caverns provide an ideal media for large scale hydrogen storage with a proven operating track record and this facility will be at the heart of the north west HyNet scheme. Some of the key issues and challenges will be discussed include network operating and integration, hydrogen specification and materials selection, process safety and equipment/technology selection.

  • 16:45 Adam Wray -Summerson, Project and Market Development Manager, Clarke Energy

    "Gas Engines: What does the Future Hold"

    In this session, global energy solutions provider Clarke Energy, will explore the evolving role of gas engines and other carbon saving technologies as we transition to a sustainable and net-zero world
  • 17:05 Q&A
  • 17:15 End of Conference


All speakers are invited unless stated confirmed

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